connect method

Future<bool> connect({
  1. OnConnectionLost? onConnectionLost,

Connects to a BITalino device address. Returns true if the device is connected successfully, false otherwise.

A valid bluetooth device address must be provided. A onConnectionLost callback can also be provided.

Throws BITalinoException(BITalinoErrorType.ALREADY_CONNECTING) if a connection attempt is already in progress. Throws BITalinoException(BITalinoErrorType.TIMEOUT) if the timeout limit is reached. Throws BITalinoException(BITalinoErrorType.BT_DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED) if a device is not connected. Throws BITalinoException(BITalinoErrorType.BT_DEVICE_ALREADY_CONNECTED) if a device is already connected. Throws BITalinoException(BITalinoErrorType.BT_DEVICE_FAILED_CONNECT) if the device fails to connect. Throws BITalinoException(BITalinoErrorType.CUSTOM) if a native exception was raised.


Future<bool> connect({OnConnectionLost? onConnectionLost}) async {
  if (_connecting)
    throw BITalinoException(BITalinoErrorType.ALREADY_CONNECTING);
  if (connected)
    throw BITalinoException(BITalinoErrorType.BT_DEVICE_ALREADY_CONNECTED);

  try {
    _connecting = true;
    if (Platform.isAndroid) {
      connected = await _channel.invokeMethod(
          "connect", <String, dynamic>{"address": address}).timeout(timeout);
    } else if (Platform.isIOS) {
      connected = await _channel.invokeMethod("connect").timeout(timeout);
  } on TimeoutException {
    _connecting = false;
    throw BITalinoException(BITalinoErrorType.TIMEOUT);
  } catch (e) {
    _connecting = false;
    throw BITalinoException(BITalinoErrorType.BT_DEVICE_FAILED_CONNECT);
  _connecting = false;
  if (connected) {
    _onConnectionLost = onConnectionLost;
    return true;
  } else {
    throw BITalinoException(BITalinoErrorType.BT_DEVICE_FAILED_CONNECT);