BuiltVariant class


BuiltVariant({required Variant data, required List<PieceDefinition> pieces, required Map<String, PieceDefinition> pieceLookup, required Map<String, int> pieceIndexLookup, required List<int> promotionPieces, required List<int> promotablePieces, Map<int, int>? promoLimits, Map<int, List<int>>? promoMap, PromotionBuilder? promotionBuilder, DropBuilderFunction? dropBuilder, MoveChecker? passChecker, PieceMoveChecker? firstMoveChecker, required int epPiece, required int castlingPiece, required int rookPiece, required int royalPiece, required MaterialConditions<int> materialConditions, required Map<String, BuiltRegion> regions, required Map<int, List<String>> winRegions, required List<Action> actions, required Map<ActionEvent, List<Action>> actionsByEvent, StateTransformFunction<BishopState>? stateTransformer, List<MoveGenFunction<Move>> moveGenerators = const [], Map<Type, MoveProcessorFunction<Move>> moveProcessors = const {}, Map<Type, MoveFormatterFunction<Move>> algebraicMoveFormatters = const {}, Map<Type, MoveFormatterFunction<Move>> prettyMoveFormatters = const {}})
BuiltVariant.fromData(Variant data)


actions List<Action>
actionsByEvent Map<ActionEvent, List<Action>>
addCapturesToHand bool
no setter
algebraicMoveFormatters Map<Type, MoveFormatterFunction<Move>>
boardSize BoardSize
The size of the board.
no setter
castling bool
Whether this variant supports castling.
no setter
castlingOptions CastlingOptions
The castling rules for this VariantData.
no setter
castlingPiece int
data Variant
defaultPromotablePiece int
The first piece type in the piece map that's promotable.
no setter
dropBuilder DropBuilderFunction?
enPassant bool
Is en passant allowed in this variant?
no setter
epPiece int
firstMoveChecker PieceMoveChecker?
forbidChecks bool
If this is true, it is impossible to make a move that checks anyone.
no setter
forcedCapture ForcedCapture?
If this is set, non-capturing moves cannot be played while capturing moves are available. Examples are Antichess and Draughts.
no setter
gameEndConditions GameEndConditionSet
no setter
gating bool
Whether this variant involves gating.
no setter
gatingMode GatingMode
What type of gating, if any, is used in this variant?
no setter
halfMoveDraw int?
Set this to 100 for the 50-move rule in standard chess.
no setter
handsEnabled bool
Are hands enabled in this variant? For example, Crazyhouse.
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
hasMoveGenerators bool
Whether this variant has custom move generators.
no setter
hasPass bool
Whether this variant has pass moves.
no setter
hasRegions bool
Whether this variant has any region definitions.
no setter
hasWinRegions bool
Whether this variant has any win regions.
no setter
materialConditions MaterialConditions<int>
moveGenerators List<MoveGenFunction<Move>>
moveProcessors Map<Type, MoveProcessorFunction<Move>>
name String
A human-friendly name.
no setter
outputOptions OutputOptions
no setter
passChecker MoveChecker?
pieceIndexLookup Map<String, int>
pieceLookup Map<String, PieceDefinition>
pieces List<PieceDefinition>
pieceTypes Map<String, PieceType>
The pieces to be used in this variant, in the form symbol: pieceType. Symbols are single uppercase letters, such as 'P' (pawn) or 'N' (knight).
no setter
pieceValues Map<String, int>?
The relative values of pieces. These are usually already set in the PieceType definitions, so only use this if you want to override those. For example, you have a variant where a pawn is worth 200 instead of 100, but you still want to use the normal pawn definition.
no setter
prettyMoveFormatters Map<Type, MoveFormatterFunction<Move>>
promoLimits Map<int, int>?
promoMap Map<int, List<int>>?
promotablePieces List<int>
promotion bool
Is promotion enabled?
no setter
promotionBuilder PromotionBuilder?
promotionPieces List<int>
regions Map<String, BuiltRegion>
repetitionDraw int?
Set this to 3 for the threefold repeition rule in standard chess.
no setter
rookPiece int
royalPiece int
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
startPosBuilder StartPositionBuilder?
A builder function for variants with variable start positions, such as Chess 960.
no setter
startPosition String?
A full starting position, specified as a FEN string.
no setter
stateTransformer StateTransformFunction<BishopState>?
winRegions Map<int, List<String>>


actionsForTrigger(ActionTrigger trigger, {bool checkPrecondition = true}) Iterable<Action>
Generates all actions for trigger.
allowMovement(int piece, int square) bool
For use with restricted movement regions - determines whether it is allowed for piece to move to square.
canFirstMove({required BishopState state, required int from, required int colour, required MoveDefinition moveDefinition}) bool
canPass({required BishopState state, required int colour}) bool
Determines whether player colour can pass their turn in state.
capturedPieces(BishopState state, {String? startPos, int? seed}) Map<int, int>
capturedPiecesStr(BishopState state, {String? startPos, int? seed}) Map<String, int>
copyWith({Variant? data, List<PieceDefinition>? pieces, Map<String, PieceDefinition>? pieceLookup, Map<String, int>? pieceIndexLookup, List<int>? promotionPieces, List<int>? promotablePieces, Map<int, int>? promoLimits, Map<int, List<int>>? promoMap, PromotionBuilder? promotionBuilder, DropBuilderFunction? dropBuilder, MoveChecker? passChecker, PieceMoveChecker? firstMoveChecker, int? royalPiece, int? epPiece, int? castlingPiece, int? rookPiece, MaterialConditions<int>? materialConditions, Map<String, BuiltRegion>? regions, Map<int, List<String>>? winRegions, List<Action>? actions, Map<ActionEvent, List<Action>>? actionsByEvent, StateTransformFunction<BishopState>? stateTransformer, List<MoveGenFunction<Move>>? moveGenerators, Map<Type, MoveProcessorFunction<Move>>? moveProcessors, Map<Type, MoveFormatterFunction<Move>>? algebraicMoveFormatters, Map<Type, MoveFormatterFunction<Move>>? prettyMoveFormatters}) BuiltVariant
executeActions(ActionTrigger trigger) List<ActionEffect>
Generates all effects for all actions triggered by trigger.
generateCustomMoves({required BishopState state, required int player, MoveGenParams params = MoveGenParams.normal}) Iterable<Move>
generateDrops({required BishopState state, required int colour}) List<Move>?
Generate all drop moves for player colour in state.
generatePromotionMoves({required StandardMove base, required BishopState state, PieceType? pieceType}) List<StandardMove>?
Generates all possible moves for the base move, given state and pieceType.
getPromoPieces({BishopState? state, PieceType? pieceType, int? pieceIndex}) List<int>
hasActionsForEvent(ActionEvent event) bool
Whether this variant has actions for event.
inWinRegion(int piece, int square) bool
Determins whether piece (including colour) is in one of its win regions, if it has any.
makeCustomMove(MoveProcessorParams<Move> params) BishopState?
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
pieceFromSymbol(String symbol) int
pieceHasWinRegions(int piece) bool
piece should contain its colour.
pieceIndex(String symbol) int
pieceIndices(List<String> symbols) List<int>
pieceMapIntToStr<T>(Map<int, T> input, {bool fullPiece = false}) Map<String, T>
pieceMapStrToInt<T>(Map<String, T> input, {bool fullPiece = false}) Map<int, T>
pieceSymbol(int type, [int colour = Bishop.white]) String
pieceType(int piece, [int? square]) PieceType
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
transformState(BishopState state, [int? player]) BishopState


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.