SortedListExtension<E> extension



bisectLeft(E item, {Comparator<E>? compare, int low = 0, int? high}) int
Assuming the list is sorted, locate the insertion point for item in a to maintain sorted order.
bisectRight(E item, {Comparator<E>? compare, int low = 0, int? high}) int
Similar to bisectLeft, but returns an insertion point which comes after (to the right of) any existing entries of item in the list.
bsearch(E x, {Comparator<E>? compare, int low = 0, int? high}) int
Assuming the list is sorted, locate the leftmost element exactly equal to x.
bsearchGreaterThan(E x, {Comparator<E>? compare}) int
Assuming the list is sorted, locate leftmost element greater than x.
bsearchGreaterThanOrEqualTo(E x, {Comparator<E>? compare}) int
Assuming the list is sorted, locate leftmost item greater than or equal to x.
bsearchLessThan(E x, {Comparator<E>? compare}) int
Assuming the list is sorted, locate rightmost element less than x.
bsearchLessThanOrEqualTo(E x, {Comparator<E>? compare}) int
Assuming the list is sorted, locate rightmost element less than or equal to x.
insortLeft(E item, {Comparator<E>? compare, int low = 0, int? high}) → void
Assuming the list is sorted, insert item in list in sorted order.
insortRight(E item, {Comparator<E>? compare, int low = 0, int? high}) → void
Similar to insortLeft, but inserting item in list after any existing entries of item.