compressedAggregateTradesList method

Future<Either<String, List<AggregatedTrade>>> compressedAggregateTradesList({
  1. required String symbol,
  2. String? fromId,
  3. String? startTime,
  4. String? endTime,
  5. String? limit,

Get compressed, aggregate trades.

Trades that fill at the time, from the same order, with the same price will have the quantity aggregated.


Future<Either<String, List<AggregatedTrade>>> compressedAggregateTradesList({
  required String symbol,
  String? fromId,
  String? startTime,
  String? endTime,
  String? limit,
}) {
  Map<String, String> params = {
    'symbol': symbol,
  if (fromId != null) params['fromId'] = fromId;
  if (startTime != null) params['startTime'] = startTime;
  if (endTime != null) params['endTime'] = endTime;
  if (limit != null) params['limit'] = limit;
  return sendRequest(
    path: 'fapi/v1/aggTrades',
    type: RequestType.GET,
    params: params,
  ).then((r) => r.isLeft
      ? Left(r.left)
      : Right(List<AggregatedTrade>.from(
 => AggregatedTrade.fromMap(e)))));