MarketEndpoints extension

Market Data Endpoints for Binance Spot API



allPremiumIndexes() Future<Either<String, List<PremiumIndex>>>
Mark Price and Funding Rate for all tickers
allSymbolsOrderBookTicker() Future<Either<String, List<BookTicker>>>
Best price/qty on the order book for all symbols.
allSymbolsPriceTicker() Future<Either<String, List<TickerPrice>>>
Latest price for all symbols.
allTickers24hPriceChangeStatistics() Future<Either<String, List<Ticker24hStatistics>>>
24 hour rolling window price change statistics.
compositeIndexSymbolInformation({String? symbol}) Future<Either<String, List<IndexInfo>>>
Get assets info for an index (or all indexes). Only for composite index symbols.
compressedAggregateTradesList({required String symbol, String? fromId, String? startTime, String? endTime, String? limit}) Future<Either<String, List<AggregatedTrade>>>
Get compressed, aggregate trades.
continuousContractKlineCandlestickData({required String pair, required String contractType, required String interval, String? startTime, String? endTime, String? limit}) Future<Either<String, List<Kline>>>
Kline/candlestick bars for a symbol.
exchangeInformation() Future<Either<String, ExchangeInfo>>
Get Binance futures exchange info
getFundingRateHistory({String? symbol, String? startTime, String? endTime, String? limit}) Future<Either<String, List<FundingRate>>>
Get Funding Rate for one or all symbol(s)
historicalBLVTNAVKlineCandlestick({required String symbol, required String interval, String? startTime, String? endTime, String? limit}) Future<Either<String, List<Kline>>>
The BLVT NAV system is based on Binance Futures, so the endpoint is based on fapi
indexPriceKlineCandlestickData({required String pair, required String interval, String? startTime, String? endTime, String? limit}) Future<Either<String, List<Kline>>>
Kline/candlestick bars for the index price of a pair.
klineCandlestickData({required String symbol, required String interval, String? startTime, String? endTime, String? limit}) Future<Either<String, List<Kline>>>
Kline/candlestick bars for a symbol.
longShortRatio({required String symbol, required String period, String? limit, String? startTime, String? endTime}) Future<Either<String, List<LongShortRatio>>>
Get present open interest of a specific symbol.
markPriceKlineCandlestickData({required String symbol, required String interval, String? startTime, String? endTime, String? limit}) Future<Either<String, List<Kline>>>
Kline/candlestick bars for the mark price of a symbol.
oldTradesLookup({required String symbol, String? limit, String? fromId}) Future<Either<String, List<Trade>>>
Get older market trades.
openInterest({required String symbol}) Future<Either<String, OpenInterest>>
Get present open interest of a specific symbol.
openInterestStatistics({required String symbol, required String period, String? limit, String? startTime, String? endTime}) Future<Either<String, List<OpenInterestStatistics>>>
Get present open interest of a specific symbol.
orderBook({required String symbol, String? limit}) Future<Either<String, Orderbook>>
Get Binance futures orderbook
premiumIndex({required String symbol}) Future<Either<String, PremiumIndex>>
Mark Price and Funding Rate
recentTradesList({required String symbol, String? limit}) Future<Either<String, List<Trade>>>
Get list of recent trades
serverTime() Future<Either<String, int>>
Test connectivity to the Rest API and get the current server time.
symbolOrderBookTicker({required String symbol}) Future<Either<String, BookTicker>>
Best price/qty on the order book for a symbol.
symbolPriceTicker({required String symbol}) Future<Either<String, TickerPrice>>
Latest price for a symbol.
takerBuySellVolume({required String symbol, required String period, String? limit, String? startTime, String? endTime}) Future<Either<String, List<TakerLongShortRatio>>>
Taker long/short ratio
testPing() Future<Either<String, bool>>
Test connectivity to the Rest API.
ticker24hPriceChangeStatistics({required String symbol}) Future<Either<String, Ticker24hStatistics>>
24 hour rolling window price change statistics.
topTraderLongShortAccountRatio({required String symbol, required String period, String? limit, String? startTime, String? endTime}) Future<Either<String, List<LongShortRatio>>>
Get top traders Long/Short Ratio (Accounts).
topTraderLongShortPositionRatio({required String symbol, required String period, String? limit, String? startTime, String? endTime}) Future<Either<String, List<LongShortRatio>>>
Get top traders Long/Short Ratio (Positions).