big_head_softwares library




pop(BuildContext context) → void
To pop any screen use pop and pass the context as argument
push(BuildContext context, Widget route) Future<Widget?>
To push another screen on the stack use push and pass the context,Screen/Page/Widget To push a named or onGenerate route please use pushNamed and pass the context,Route,arguments if any
pushAndRemoveUntil(BuildContext context, Widget screen) Future<Widget?>
To clear the stack and push a screen use pushAndRemoveUntil and pass the context,Screen/Page/Widget To clear the stack and push a named or onGenerate please use pushNamedAndRemoveUntil and pass the context,Route,arguments if any
pushNamed<T extends Object?>(BuildContext context, String route, {Object? arguments}) Future<T?>
To push a named or onGenerate route please use pushNamed and pass the context,Route,arguments if any
pushNamedAndRemoveUntil<T extends Object?>(BuildContext context, String route, {Object? arguments}) Future<T?>
To clear the stack and push a named or onGenerate please use pushNamedAndRemoveUntil and pass the context,Route,arguments if any
pushReplacement(BuildContext context, Widget route) Future<Widget?>
To replace screen on to the stack use pushReplacement and pass the context,Screen/Page/Widget To replace a named or onGenerate route please use pushReplacementNamed and pass the context,Route,arguments if any
pushReplacementNamed<T extends Object?>(BuildContext context, String route, {Object? arguments}) Future<T?>
To replace a named or onGenerate route please use pushReplacementNamed and pass the context,Route,arguments if any