realm_common library

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Indicates that the field it decorates is the inverse end of a relationship.
Ignored Annotations
Indicates an ignored property.
Indexed Annotations
Indicates an indexed property.
MapTo Annotations
MapTo annotation for class level and class member level.
PrimaryKey Annotations
Indicates a primary key property.
RealmModel Annotations
Annotation class used to define Realm data model classes and their properties
A type that can represent any valid realm data type, except collections and embedded objects.
Represents a RFC 4122 UUID. More generally, any 128-bit byte sequence can be represented by this class, but the semantics for the fields described in the may not apply for other variants.


ObjectType Annotations
An enum controlling the base type for a RealmModel.
RealmCollectionType Configuration
All supported Realm collection types.
Describes the indexing mode for properties annotated with the @Indexed annotation.
RealmPropertyType Configuration
All supported Realm property types.

Exceptions / Errors

RealmClosedError Realm
An error throw when operating on an object that has been closed.
RealmError Realm
A base class of all Realm errors.
Thrown if the Realm operation is not allowed by the current state of the object.
RealmUnsupportedSetError Realm
Thrown if the operation is not supported.