ObjectId.fromHexString constructor
- String hexString
Creates ObjectId from hex string.
Can be helpful for mapping hex strings returned from API / mongodb to ObjectId instances.
Example usage:
final id = ObjectId();
final id2 = ObjectId.fromHexString(id.hexString);
print(id == id2) // => true
ObjectId structure:
4 byte timestamp 5 byte process unique 3 byte counter
0 4 8 12
ObjectId.fromHexString(String hexString) {
ArgumentError.checkNotNull(hexString, 'hexString');
if (hexString.length != hexStringLength) {
throw ArgumentError.value(
hexString, 'hexString', 'Provided hexString has wrong length.');
final secondsSinceEpoch = int.parse(hexString.substring(0, 8), radix: 16);
final millisecondsSinceEpoch = secondsSinceEpoch * 1000;
final processUnique = int.parse(hexString.substring(8, 18), radix: 16);
final counter = int.parse(hexString.substring(18, 24), radix: 16);
/// cache this value
_hexString = hexString;
_initialize(millisecondsSinceEpoch, processUnique, counter);