BcsWriter class

Class used to write BCS data into a buffer. Initializer requires some size of a buffer to init; default value for this buffer is 1KB.

Most methods are chainable, so it is possible to write them in one go.

final serialized = BcsWriter()


BcsWriter({int size = 1024, int? maxSize, int allocateSize = 1024})


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


base58() String
base64() String
encode(Encoding encoding) String
ensureSizeOrGrow(int bytes) → dynamic
hex() String
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
shift(int bytes) BcsWriter
Shift current cursor position by bytes.
toBytes() Uint8List
Get underlying buffer taking only value bytes (in case initial buffer size was bigger).
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
write128(BigInt value) BcsWriter
Write a U128 value into a buffer and shift cursor position by 16.
write16(int value) BcsWriter
Write a U16 value into a buffer and shift cursor position by 2.
write256(BigInt value) BcsWriter
Write a U256 value into a buffer and shift cursor position by 32.
write32(int value) BcsWriter
Write a U32 value into a buffer and shift cursor position by 4.
write64(BigInt value) BcsWriter
Write a U64 value into a buffer and shift cursor position by 8.
write8(int value) BcsWriter
Write a U8 value into a buffer and shift cursor position by 1.
writeFixedArray(dynamic vector, int? size, dynamic cb(BcsWriter writer, dynamic el, int i, int len)) BcsWriter
writeULEB(int value) BcsWriter
Write a ULEB value into a buffer and shift cursor position by number of bytes written.
writeVec(dynamic vector, dynamic cb(BcsWriter writer, dynamic el, int i, int len)) BcsWriter
Write a vector into a buffer by first writing the vector length and then calling a callback on each passed value.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.