verifyBytes method

void verifyBytes(
  1. Uint8List data

Check if the Barcode is valid. Throws BarcodeException with a proper message in case of error


void verifyBytes(Uint8List data) {
  if (data.length > maxLength) {
    throw BarcodeException(
        'Unable to encode "$data", maximum length is $maxLength for $name Barcode');

  if (data.length < minLength) {
    throw BarcodeException(
        'Unable to encode "$data", minimum length is $minLength for $name Barcode');

  final chr = charSet.toSet();

  for (var code in data) {
    if (!chr.contains(code)) {
      throw BarcodeException(
          'Unable to encode "${String.fromCharCode(code)}" to $name Barcode');