render method

String render({
  1. TextLayout layoutFactory(
    1. PositionedCell
    ) = _simpleLayoutFactory,
  2. TextBorder? border,


String render(
    {TextLayout Function(PositionedCell) layoutFactory = _simpleLayoutFactory,
    TextBorder? border}) {
  border ??= TextBorder.DEFAULT;

  final layouts = {for (var a in positionedCells) (a).cell: layoutFactory(a)};

  final columnWidths = List<int>.filled(columnCount!, 1);
  final columnBorderWidths = List<int>.filled(columnCount! + 1, 0);
  final rowHeights = List<int>.filled(rowCount, 1);
  final rowBorderHeights = List<int>.filled(rowCount + 1, 0);

  for (final positionedCell in positionedCells) {
    final rowIndex = positionedCell.rowIndex;
    final columnIndex = positionedCell.columnIndex;
    final cell = positionedCell.cell;
    final canonicalStyle = positionedCell.canonicalStyle;

    final layout = layouts[cell]!;

    final columnSpan = cell.columnSpan;
    if (columnSpan == 1) {
      final currentWidth = columnWidths[columnIndex];
      final contentWidth = layout.measureWidth();
      if (contentWidth > currentWidth) {
        columnWidths[columnIndex] = contentWidth;

    final rowSpan = cell.rowSpan;
    if (rowSpan == 1) {
      final currentHeight = rowHeights[rowIndex];
      final contentHeight = layout.measureHeight();
      if (contentHeight > currentHeight) {
        rowHeights[rowIndex] = contentHeight;

    if ((columnIndex == 0 && tableStyle?.border == true ||
            canonicalStyle.borderLeft == true) &&
        (columnIndex > 0 || tableStyle?.borderStyle != BorderStyle.Hidden)) {
      columnBorderWidths[columnIndex] = 1;
    if ((columnIndex + columnSpan == columnCount &&
                tableStyle?.border == true ||
            canonicalStyle.borderRight == true) &&
        (columnIndex + columnSpan < columnCount! ||
            tableStyle?.borderStyle != BorderStyle.Hidden)) {
      columnBorderWidths[columnIndex + columnSpan] = 1;
    if ((rowIndex == 0 && tableStyle?.border == true ||
            canonicalStyle.borderTop == true) &&
        (rowIndex > 0 || tableStyle?.borderStyle != BorderStyle.Hidden)) {
      rowBorderHeights[rowIndex] = 1;
    if ((rowIndex + rowSpan == rowCount && tableStyle?.border == true ||
            canonicalStyle.borderBottom == true) &&
        (rowIndex + rowSpan < rowCount ||
            tableStyle?.borderStyle != BorderStyle.Hidden)) {
      rowBorderHeights[rowIndex + rowSpan] = 1;

  final sortedColumnSpanCells = positionedCells
      .where(((it) => it.cell.columnSpan > 1))
        (a, b) =>, b.cell.columnSpan));

  for (final positionedCell in sortedColumnSpanCells) {
    final columnIndex = positionedCell.columnIndex;
    final cell = positionedCell.cell;

    final layout = layouts[cell]!;
    final columnSpan = cell.columnSpan;
    final contentWidth = layout.measureWidth();
    final columnSpanIndices = [
      for (var i = columnIndex; i < columnIndex + columnSpan; i++) i
    final currentSpanColumnWidth = => columnWidths[e]).fold(0, _plus);
    final currentSpanBorderWidth = [
      for (var i = columnIndex; i < columnIndex + columnSpan; i++) i
    ].map((e) => columnBorderWidths[e]).fold(0, _plus);
    final currentSpanWidth = currentSpanColumnWidth + currentSpanBorderWidth;
    final remainingSize = contentWidth - currentSpanWidth;

    if (remainingSize > 0) {
      // TODO change to distribute remaining size proportionally to the existing widths?
      final commonSize = remainingSize ~/ columnSpan;

      final extraSize = remainingSize - (commonSize * columnSpan);

      for (var spanIndex = 0;
          spanIndex < columnSpanIndices.length;
          spanIndex++) {
        final targetColumnIndex = columnSpanIndices[spanIndex];

        final additionalSize =
            (spanIndex < extraSize) ? commonSize + 1 : commonSize;
        final currentWidth = columnWidths[targetColumnIndex];
        final newWidth = currentWidth + additionalSize;
        columnWidths[targetColumnIndex] = newWidth;

  final sortedRowSpanCells = positionedCells
      .where(((it) => it.cell.rowSpan > 1))
    ..sort((a, b) =>, b.cell.rowSpan));

  for (final positionedCell in sortedRowSpanCells) {
    final rowIndex = positionedCell.rowIndex;
    final cell = positionedCell.cell;

    final layout = layouts[cell]!;
    final rowSpan = cell.rowSpan;
    final contentHeight = layout.measureHeight();

    final rowSpanIndices = [
      for (var i = rowIndex; i < rowIndex + rowSpan; i++) i
    final currentSpanRowHeight = => rowHeights[it]).fold(0, _plus);
    final currentSpanBorderHeight = [
      for (var i = rowIndex + 1; i < rowIndex + rowSpan; i++) i
    ].map((it) => rowBorderHeights[it]).fold(0, _plus);
    final currentSpanHeight = currentSpanRowHeight + currentSpanBorderHeight;
    final remainingSize = contentHeight - currentSpanHeight;
    if (remainingSize > 0) {
      // TODO change to distribute remaining size proportionally to the existing widths?
      final commonSize = remainingSize ~/ rowSpan;
      final extraSize = remainingSize - (commonSize * rowSpan);
      var spanIndex = 0;
      for (var targetRowIndex in rowSpanIndices) {
        final additionalSize =
            (spanIndex < extraSize) ? commonSize + 1 : commonSize;
        final currentHeight = rowHeights[targetRowIndex];
        final newHeight = currentHeight + additionalSize;
        rowHeights[targetRowIndex] = newHeight;

  final tableLefts = List<int>.filled(columnWidths.length + 1, 0);
  int tableWidth;

  var left = 0;
  for (final i in Iterable<int>.generate(columnWidths.length)) {
    tableLefts[i] = left;
    left += columnWidths[i] + columnBorderWidths[i];
  tableLefts[columnWidths.length] = left;
  tableWidth = left + columnBorderWidths[columnWidths.length];

  final tableTops = List<int>.filled(rowHeights.length + 1, 0);
  int tableHeight;

  var top = 0;
  for (final i in Iterable<int>.generate(rowHeights.length)) {
    tableTops[i] = top;
    top += rowHeights[i] + rowBorderHeights[i];
  tableTops[rowHeights.length] = top;
  tableHeight = top + rowBorderHeights[rowHeights.length];

  final surface = TextSurface(tableWidth, tableHeight);

  for (final rowIndex in Iterable<int>.generate(rowCount + 1)) {
    final rowDrawStartIndex = tableTops[rowIndex];

    for (final columnIndex in Iterable<int>.generate(columnCount! + 1)) {
      final positionedCell = getOrNull(rowIndex, columnIndex);
      final cell = positionedCell?.cell;

      final cellCanonicalStyle = positionedCell?.canonicalStyle;

      final previousRowPositionedCell = getOrNull(rowIndex, columnIndex - 1);
      final previousRowCell = previousRowPositionedCell?.cell;
      final previousRowCellCanonicalStyle =

      final previousColumnPositionedCell =
          getOrNull(rowIndex - 1, columnIndex);
      final previousColumnCell = previousColumnPositionedCell?.cell;
      final previousColumnCellCanonicalStyle =

      final columnDrawStartIndex = tableLefts[columnIndex];
      final rowBorderHeight = rowBorderHeights[rowIndex];
      final hasRowBorder = rowBorderHeight != 0;
      final columnBorderWidth = columnBorderWidths[columnIndex];
      final hasColumnBorder = columnBorderWidth != 0;
      if (hasRowBorder && hasColumnBorder) {
        final previousRowColumnPositionedCell =
            getOrNull(rowIndex - 1, columnIndex - 1);
        final previousRowColumnCell = previousRowColumnPositionedCell?.cell;
        final previousRowColumnCellCanonicalStyle =

        final cornerTopBorder =
            !identical(previousRowColumnCell, previousColumnCell) &&
                (previousRowColumnCellCanonicalStyle?.borderRight == true ||
                    previousColumnCellCanonicalStyle?.borderLeft == true ||
                    rowIndex > 0 &&
                        (columnIndex == 0 || columnIndex == columnCount) &&
                        tableStyle?.border == true);
        final cornerLeftBorder =
            !identical(previousRowColumnCell, previousRowCell) &&
                (previousRowColumnCellCanonicalStyle?.borderBottom == true ||
                    previousRowCellCanonicalStyle?.borderTop == true ||
                    columnIndex > 0 &&
                        (rowIndex == 0 || rowIndex == rowCount) &&
                        tableStyle?.border == true);
        final cornerBottomBorder = !identical(previousRowCell, cell) &&
            (previousRowCellCanonicalStyle?.borderRight == true ||
                cellCanonicalStyle?.borderLeft == true ||
                rowIndex < rowCount &&
                    (columnIndex == 0 || columnIndex == columnCount) &&
                    tableStyle?.border == true);
        final cornerRightBorder = !identical(previousColumnCell, cell) &&
            (previousColumnCellCanonicalStyle?.borderBottom == true ||
                cellCanonicalStyle?.borderTop == true ||
                columnIndex < columnCount! &&
                    (rowIndex == 0 || rowIndex == rowCount) &&
                    tableStyle?.border == true);
        if (cornerTopBorder ||
            cornerLeftBorder ||
            cornerBottomBorder ||
            cornerRightBorder) {
          final borderChar = border.get(
            down: cornerBottomBorder,
            up: cornerTopBorder,
            left: cornerLeftBorder,
            right: cornerRightBorder,
          surface.set(rowDrawStartIndex, columnDrawStartIndex, borderChar);

      if (hasColumnBorder &&
          !identical(previousRowCell, cell) &&
          (previousRowCellCanonicalStyle?.borderRight == true ||
              cellCanonicalStyle?.borderLeft == true ||
              (columnIndex == 0 || columnIndex == columnCount) &&
                  tableStyle?.border == true)) {
        final rowDrawEndIndex =
            tableTops[rowIndex + 1]; // Safe given cell != null.
        final borderChar = border.vertical;
        for (final rowDrawIndex in [
          for (int i = rowDrawStartIndex + rowBorderHeight;
              i < rowDrawEndIndex;
        ]) {
          surface.set(rowDrawIndex, columnDrawStartIndex, borderChar);

      if (hasRowBorder &&
          !identical(previousColumnCell, cell) &&
          (previousColumnCellCanonicalStyle?.borderBottom == true ||
              cellCanonicalStyle?.borderTop == true ||
              (rowIndex == 0 || rowIndex == rowCount) &&
                  tableStyle?.border == true)) {
        final columnDrawEndIndex =
            tableLefts[columnIndex + 1]; // Safe given cell != null
        final borderChar = border.horizontal;
        for (final columnDrawIndex in [
          for (int i = columnDrawStartIndex + columnBorderWidth;
              i < columnDrawEndIndex;
        ]) {
          surface.set(rowDrawStartIndex, columnDrawIndex, borderChar);

  for (var positionedCell in positionedCells) {
    final rowIndex = positionedCell.rowIndex;
    final columnIndex = positionedCell.columnIndex;
    final cell = positionedCell.cell;

    final cellLeft =
        tableLefts[columnIndex] + columnBorderWidths[columnIndex];
    final cellRight = tableLefts[columnIndex + cell.columnSpan];
    final cellTop = tableTops[rowIndex] + rowBorderHeights[rowIndex];
    final cellBottom = tableTops[rowIndex + cell.rowSpan];

    final canvas = surface.clip(cellLeft, cellRight, cellTop, cellBottom);
    final layout = layouts[cell]!;

  return surface.toString();