execRule function

void execRule(
  1. String fileContents,
  2. String rule

Executes any rule of a "Bakefile". Which rule is executed is determined by the second parameter.


void execRule(String fileContents, String rule) {
  List<String> fileC = fileContents.split('\n');
  for (int i = 0; i < fileC.length; i++) {
    String args = fileC[i];
    List<String> ruleTup = getMatches(args);
    if (ruleTup.length == 2) {
      String ruleName = ruleTup[0];
      String ruleCommand = ruleTup[1];
      if (ruleExists(fileContents, rule) == true) {
        if (ruleName == rule) {
          try {
          } on ProcessException catch (e) {
            printColoredString('$e', 'red');
        } else {}
      } else {
        printColoredString('Rule "$rule" not found!', 'red');
    } else {}