wordList top-level constant

List<String> const wordList

wordList is the array of bad word strings inspired by the bad-words javascript package


const wordList = <String>[
  "blow job",
  "bunny fucker",
  "carpet muncher",
  "f u c k",
  "f u c k e r",
  "fudge packer",
  "mother fucker",
  "nob jokey",
  "s hit",
  "ass monkey",
  "blow job",
  "carpet muncher",
  "flipping the bird",
  "fudge packer",
  "motha fucker",
  "motha fuker",
  "motha fukkah",
  "motha fukker",
  "mother fucker",
  "mother fukah",
  "mother fuker",
  "mother fukkah",
  "mother fukker",
  "mutha fucker",
  "mutha fukah",
  "mutha fuker",
  "mutha fukkah",
  "mutha fukker",