build method
Build the widget.
Widget build(final BuildContext context) {
final text = value.toStringAsFixed(decimalPlaces);
return CallbackShortcuts(
bindings: {
moveDownShortcut: () {
final i = value - modifier;
if (i >= (min ?? i)) {
moveUpShortcut: () {
final i = value + modifier;
if (i <= (max ?? i)) {
moveToStartShortcut: () => onChanged(min ?? value),
moveToEndShortcut: () => onChanged(max ?? value),
child: ListTile(
autofocus: autofocus,
title: Text(title),
subtitle: Text(subtitle ?? text),
onTap: () => context.pushWidgetBuilder(
(final context) => GetText(
onDone: (final value) {
actions: actions,
text: text,
title: title,
validator: (final value) {
final d = value == null ? null : double.tryParse(value);
if (value == null || value.isEmpty) {
return 'You must enter a value';
} else if (d == null) {
return 'Invalid number';
} else if (d < (min ?? d)) {
return 'Value must be at least $min';
} else if (d > (max ?? d)) {
return 'Value must be no more than $max';
return null;
onLongPress: onLongPress,