trackTasks method

Future<FileDownloader> trackTasks({
  1. bool markDownloadedComplete = true,

Activate tracking for all tasks

All subsequent tasks will be recorded in persistent storage. Use the FileDownloader.database to get or remove TaskRecord objects, which contain a Task, its TaskStatus and a double for progress.

If markDownloadedComplete is true (default) then all tasks in the database that are marked as not yet TaskStatus.complete will be set to TaskStatus.complete if the target file for that task exists. They will also emit TaskStatus.complete and progressComplete to their registered listener or callback. This is a convenient way to capture downloads that have completed while the app was suspended: on app startup, immediately register your listener or callbacks, and call trackTasks.

Returns the FileDownloader for easy chaining


Future<FileDownloader> trackTasks(
    {bool markDownloadedComplete = true}) async {
  await _downloader.trackTasks(null, markDownloadedComplete);
  return this;