createAnalysis method

Future<CreateAnalysisResponse> createAnalysis({
  1. required String analysisId,
  2. required String awsAccountId,
  3. required String name,
  4. required AnalysisSourceEntity sourceEntity,
  5. Parameters? parameters,
  6. List<ResourcePermission>? permissions,
  7. List<Tag>? tags,
  8. String? themeArn,

Creates an analysis in Amazon QuickSight.

May throw ResourceNotFoundException. May throw InvalidParameterValueException. May throw ThrottlingException. May throw ResourceExistsException. May throw ConflictException. May throw UnsupportedUserEditionException. May throw InternalFailureException.

Parameter analysisId : The ID for the analysis that you're creating. This ID displays in the URL of the analysis.

Parameter awsAccountId : The ID of the AWS account where you are creating an analysis.

Parameter name : A descriptive name for the analysis that you're creating. This name displays for the analysis in the QuickSight console.

Parameter sourceEntity : A source entity to use for the analysis that you're creating. This metadata structure contains details that describe a source template and one or more datasets.

Parameter parameters : The parameter names and override values that you want to use. An analysis can have any parameter type, and some parameters might accept multiple values.

Parameter permissions : A structure that describes the principals and the resource-level permissions on an analysis. You can use the Permissions structure to grant permissions by providing a list of AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) action information for each principal listed by Amazon Resource Name (ARN).

To specify no permissions, omit Permissions.

Parameter tags : Contains a map of the key-value pairs for the resource tag or tags assigned to the analysis.

Parameter themeArn : The ARN for the theme to apply to the analysis that you're creating. To see the theme in the QuickSight console, make sure that you have access to it.


Future<CreateAnalysisResponse> createAnalysis({
  required String analysisId,
  required String awsAccountId,
  required String name,
  required AnalysisSourceEntity sourceEntity,
  Parameters? parameters,
  List<ResourcePermission>? permissions,
  List<Tag>? tags,
  String? themeArn,
}) async {
  ArgumentError.checkNotNull(analysisId, 'analysisId');
    isRequired: true,
  ArgumentError.checkNotNull(awsAccountId, 'awsAccountId');
    isRequired: true,
  ArgumentError.checkNotNull(name, 'name');
    isRequired: true,
  ArgumentError.checkNotNull(sourceEntity, 'sourceEntity');
  final $payload = <String, dynamic>{
    'Name': name,
    'SourceEntity': sourceEntity,
    if (parameters != null) 'Parameters': parameters,
    if (permissions != null) 'Permissions': permissions,
    if (tags != null) 'Tags': tags,
    if (themeArn != null) 'ThemeArn': themeArn,
  final response = await _protocol.send(
    payload: $payload,
    method: 'POST',
    exceptionFnMap: _exceptionFns,
  return CreateAnalysisResponse.fromJson(response);