QuickSight class

Amazon QuickSight is a fully managed, serverless business intelligence service for the AWS Cloud that makes it easy to extend data and insights to every user in your organization. This API reference contains documentation for a programming interface that you can use to manage Amazon QuickSight.


QuickSight({required String region, AwsClientCredentials? credentials, AwsClientCredentialsProvider? credentialsProvider, Client? client, String? endpointUrl})


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


cancelIngestion({required String awsAccountId, required String dataSetId, required String ingestionId}) Future<CancelIngestionResponse>
Cancels an ongoing ingestion of data into SPICE.
close() → void
Closes the internal HTTP client if none was provided at creation. If a client was passed as a constructor argument, this becomes a noop.
createAccountCustomization({required AccountCustomization accountCustomization, required String awsAccountId, String? namespace, List<Tag>? tags}) Future<CreateAccountCustomizationResponse>
Creates Amazon QuickSight customizations the current AWS Region. Currently, you can add a custom default theme by using the CreateAccountCustomization or UpdateAccountCustomization API operation. To further customize QuickSight by removing QuickSight sample assets and videos for all new users, see Customizing QuickSight in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide.
createAnalysis({required String analysisId, required String awsAccountId, required String name, required AnalysisSourceEntity sourceEntity, Parameters? parameters, List<ResourcePermission>? permissions, List<Tag>? tags, String? themeArn}) Future<CreateAnalysisResponse>
Creates an analysis in Amazon QuickSight.
createDashboard({required String awsAccountId, required String dashboardId, required String name, required DashboardSourceEntity sourceEntity, DashboardPublishOptions? dashboardPublishOptions, Parameters? parameters, List<ResourcePermission>? permissions, List<Tag>? tags, String? themeArn, String? versionDescription}) Future<CreateDashboardResponse>
Creates a dashboard from a template. To first create a template, see the CreateTemplate API operation.
createDataSet({required String awsAccountId, required String dataSetId, required DataSetImportMode importMode, required String name, required Map<String, PhysicalTable> physicalTableMap, List<ColumnGroup>? columnGroups, List<ColumnLevelPermissionRule>? columnLevelPermissionRules, Map<String, LogicalTable>? logicalTableMap, List<ResourcePermission>? permissions, RowLevelPermissionDataSet? rowLevelPermissionDataSet, List<Tag>? tags}) Future<CreateDataSetResponse>
Creates a dataset.
createDataSource({required String awsAccountId, required String dataSourceId, required String name, required DataSourceType type, DataSourceCredentials? credentials, DataSourceParameters? dataSourceParameters, List<ResourcePermission>? permissions, SslProperties? sslProperties, List<Tag>? tags, VpcConnectionProperties? vpcConnectionProperties}) Future<CreateDataSourceResponse>
Creates a data source.
createGroup({required String awsAccountId, required String groupName, required String namespace, String? description}) Future<CreateGroupResponse>
Creates an Amazon QuickSight group.
createGroupMembership({required String awsAccountId, required String groupName, required String memberName, required String namespace}) Future<CreateGroupMembershipResponse>
Adds an Amazon QuickSight user to an Amazon QuickSight group.
createIAMPolicyAssignment({required String assignmentName, required AssignmentStatus assignmentStatus, required String awsAccountId, required String namespace, Map<String, List<String>>? identities, String? policyArn}) Future<CreateIAMPolicyAssignmentResponse>
Creates an assignment with one specified IAM policy, identified by its Amazon Resource Name (ARN). This policy assignment is attached to the specified groups or users of Amazon QuickSight. Assignment names are unique per AWS account. To avoid overwriting rules in other namespaces, use assignment names that are unique.
createIngestion({required String awsAccountId, required String dataSetId, required String ingestionId}) Future<CreateIngestionResponse>
Creates and starts a new SPICE ingestion on a dataset
createNamespace({required String awsAccountId, required IdentityStore identityStore, required String namespace, List<Tag>? tags}) Future<CreateNamespaceResponse>
(Enterprise edition only) Creates a new namespace for you to use with Amazon QuickSight.
createTemplate({required String awsAccountId, required TemplateSourceEntity sourceEntity, required String templateId, String? name, List<ResourcePermission>? permissions, List<Tag>? tags, String? versionDescription}) Future<CreateTemplateResponse>
Creates a template from an existing QuickSight analysis or template. You can use the resulting template to create a dashboard.
createTemplateAlias({required String aliasName, required String awsAccountId, required String templateId, required int templateVersionNumber}) Future<CreateTemplateAliasResponse>
Creates a template alias for a template.
createTheme({required String awsAccountId, required String baseThemeId, required ThemeConfiguration configuration, required String name, required String themeId, List<ResourcePermission>? permissions, List<Tag>? tags, String? versionDescription}) Future<CreateThemeResponse>
Creates a theme.
createThemeAlias({required String aliasName, required String awsAccountId, required String themeId, required int themeVersionNumber}) Future<CreateThemeAliasResponse>
Creates a theme alias for a theme.
deleteAccountCustomization({required String awsAccountId, String? namespace}) Future<DeleteAccountCustomizationResponse>
Deletes all Amazon QuickSight customizations in this AWS Region for the specified AWS account and QuickSight namespace.
deleteAnalysis({required String analysisId, required String awsAccountId, bool? forceDeleteWithoutRecovery, int? recoveryWindowInDays}) Future<DeleteAnalysisResponse>
Deletes an analysis from Amazon QuickSight. You can optionally include a recovery window during which you can restore the analysis. If you don't specify a recovery window value, the operation defaults to 30 days. QuickSight attaches a DeletionTime stamp to the response that specifies the end of the recovery window. At the end of the recovery window, QuickSight deletes the analysis permanently.
deleteDashboard({required String awsAccountId, required String dashboardId, int? versionNumber}) Future<DeleteDashboardResponse>
Deletes a dashboard.
deleteDataSet({required String awsAccountId, required String dataSetId}) Future<DeleteDataSetResponse>
Deletes a dataset.
deleteDataSource({required String awsAccountId, required String dataSourceId}) Future<DeleteDataSourceResponse>
Deletes the data source permanently. This operation breaks all the datasets that reference the deleted data source.
deleteGroup({required String awsAccountId, required String groupName, required String namespace}) Future<DeleteGroupResponse>
Removes a user group from Amazon QuickSight.
deleteGroupMembership({required String awsAccountId, required String groupName, required String memberName, required String namespace}) Future<DeleteGroupMembershipResponse>
Removes a user from a group so that the user is no longer a member of the group.
deleteIAMPolicyAssignment({required String assignmentName, required String awsAccountId, required String namespace}) Future<DeleteIAMPolicyAssignmentResponse>
Deletes an existing IAM policy assignment.
deleteNamespace({required String awsAccountId, required String namespace}) Future<DeleteNamespaceResponse>
Deletes a namespace and the users and groups that are associated with the namespace. This is an asynchronous process. Assets including dashboards, analyses, datasets and data sources are not deleted. To delete these assets, you use the API operations for the relevant asset.
deleteTemplate({required String awsAccountId, required String templateId, int? versionNumber}) Future<DeleteTemplateResponse>
Deletes a template.
deleteTemplateAlias({required String aliasName, required String awsAccountId, required String templateId}) Future<DeleteTemplateAliasResponse>
Deletes the item that the specified template alias points to. If you provide a specific alias, you delete the version of the template that the alias points to.
deleteTheme({required String awsAccountId, required String themeId, int? versionNumber}) Future<DeleteThemeResponse>
Deletes a theme.
deleteThemeAlias({required String aliasName, required String awsAccountId, required String themeId}) Future<DeleteThemeAliasResponse>
Deletes the version of the theme that the specified theme alias points to. If you provide a specific alias, you delete the version of the theme that the alias points to.
deleteUser({required String awsAccountId, required String namespace, required String userName}) Future<DeleteUserResponse>
Deletes the Amazon QuickSight user that is associated with the identity of the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) user or role that's making the call. The IAM user isn't deleted as a result of this call.
deleteUserByPrincipalId({required String awsAccountId, required String namespace, required String principalId}) Future<DeleteUserByPrincipalIdResponse>
Deletes a user identified by its principal ID.
describeAccountCustomization({required String awsAccountId, String? namespace, bool? resolved}) Future<DescribeAccountCustomizationResponse>
Describes the customizations associated with the provided AWS account and Amazon QuickSight namespace in an AWS Region. The QuickSight console evaluates which customizations to apply by running this API operation with the Resolved flag included.
describeAccountSettings({required String awsAccountId}) Future<DescribeAccountSettingsResponse>
Describes the settings that were used when your QuickSight subscription was first created in this AWS account.
describeAnalysis({required String analysisId, required String awsAccountId}) Future<DescribeAnalysisResponse>
Provides a summary of the metadata for an analysis.
describeAnalysisPermissions({required String analysisId, required String awsAccountId}) Future<DescribeAnalysisPermissionsResponse>
Provides the read and write permissions for an analysis.
describeDashboard({required String awsAccountId, required String dashboardId, String? aliasName, int? versionNumber}) Future<DescribeDashboardResponse>
Provides a summary for a dashboard.
describeDashboardPermissions({required String awsAccountId, required String dashboardId}) Future<DescribeDashboardPermissionsResponse>
Describes read and write permissions for a dashboard.
describeDataSet({required String awsAccountId, required String dataSetId}) Future<DescribeDataSetResponse>
Describes a dataset.
describeDataSetPermissions({required String awsAccountId, required String dataSetId}) Future<DescribeDataSetPermissionsResponse>
Describes the permissions on a dataset.
describeDataSource({required String awsAccountId, required String dataSourceId}) Future<DescribeDataSourceResponse>
Describes a data source.
describeDataSourcePermissions({required String awsAccountId, required String dataSourceId}) Future<DescribeDataSourcePermissionsResponse>
Describes the resource permissions for a data source.
describeGroup({required String awsAccountId, required String groupName, required String namespace}) Future<DescribeGroupResponse>
Returns an Amazon QuickSight group's description and Amazon Resource Name (ARN).
describeIAMPolicyAssignment({required String assignmentName, required String awsAccountId, required String namespace}) Future<DescribeIAMPolicyAssignmentResponse>
Describes an existing IAM policy assignment, as specified by the assignment name.
describeIngestion({required String awsAccountId, required String dataSetId, required String ingestionId}) Future<DescribeIngestionResponse>
Describes a SPICE ingestion.
describeNamespace({required String awsAccountId, required String namespace}) Future<DescribeNamespaceResponse>
Describes the current namespace.
describeTemplate({required String awsAccountId, required String templateId, String? aliasName, int? versionNumber}) Future<DescribeTemplateResponse>
Describes a template's metadata.
describeTemplateAlias({required String aliasName, required String awsAccountId, required String templateId}) Future<DescribeTemplateAliasResponse>
Describes the template alias for a template.
describeTemplatePermissions({required String awsAccountId, required String templateId}) Future<DescribeTemplatePermissionsResponse>
Describes read and write permissions on a template.
describeTheme({required String awsAccountId, required String themeId, String? aliasName, int? versionNumber}) Future<DescribeThemeResponse>
Describes a theme.
describeThemeAlias({required String aliasName, required String awsAccountId, required String themeId}) Future<DescribeThemeAliasResponse>
Describes the alias for a theme.
describeThemePermissions({required String awsAccountId, required String themeId}) Future<DescribeThemePermissionsResponse>
Describes the read and write permissions for a theme.
describeUser({required String awsAccountId, required String namespace, required String userName}) Future<DescribeUserResponse>
Returns information about a user, given the user name.
getDashboardEmbedUrl({required String awsAccountId, required String dashboardId, required EmbeddingIdentityType identityType, List<String>? additionalDashboardIds, String? namespace, bool? resetDisabled, int? sessionLifetimeInMinutes, bool? statePersistenceEnabled, bool? undoRedoDisabled, String? userArn}) Future<GetDashboardEmbedUrlResponse>
Generates a session URL and authorization code that you can use to embed an Amazon QuickSight read-only dashboard in your web server code. Before you use this command, make sure that you have configured the dashboards and permissions.
getSessionEmbedUrl({required String awsAccountId, String? entryPoint, int? sessionLifetimeInMinutes, String? userArn}) Future<GetSessionEmbedUrlResponse>
Generates a session URL and authorization code that you can use to embed the Amazon QuickSight console in your web server code. Use GetSessionEmbedUrl where you want to provide an authoring portal that allows users to create data sources, datasets, analyses, and dashboards. The users who access an embedded QuickSight console need belong to the author or admin security cohort. If you want to restrict permissions to some of these features, add a custom permissions profile to the user with the UpdateUser API operation. Use RegisterUser API operation to add a new user with a custom permission profile attached. For more information, see the following sections in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide:
listAnalyses({required String awsAccountId, int? maxResults, String? nextToken}) Future<ListAnalysesResponse>
Lists Amazon QuickSight analyses that exist in the specified AWS account.
listDashboards({required String awsAccountId, int? maxResults, String? nextToken}) Future<ListDashboardsResponse>
Lists dashboards in an AWS account.
listDashboardVersions({required String awsAccountId, required String dashboardId, int? maxResults, String? nextToken}) Future<ListDashboardVersionsResponse>
Lists all the versions of the dashboards in the QuickSight subscription.
listDataSets({required String awsAccountId, int? maxResults, String? nextToken}) Future<ListDataSetsResponse>
Lists all of the datasets belonging to the current AWS account in an AWS Region.
listDataSources({required String awsAccountId, int? maxResults, String? nextToken}) Future<ListDataSourcesResponse>
Lists data sources in current AWS Region that belong to this AWS account.
listGroupMemberships({required String awsAccountId, required String groupName, required String namespace, int? maxResults, String? nextToken}) Future<ListGroupMembershipsResponse>
Lists member users in a group.
listGroups({required String awsAccountId, required String namespace, int? maxResults, String? nextToken}) Future<ListGroupsResponse>
Lists all user groups in Amazon QuickSight.
listIAMPolicyAssignments({required String awsAccountId, required String namespace, AssignmentStatus? assignmentStatus, int? maxResults, String? nextToken}) Future<ListIAMPolicyAssignmentsResponse>
Lists IAM policy assignments in the current Amazon QuickSight account.
listIAMPolicyAssignmentsForUser({required String awsAccountId, required String namespace, required String userName, int? maxResults, String? nextToken}) Future<ListIAMPolicyAssignmentsForUserResponse>
Lists all the IAM policy assignments, including the Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) for the IAM policies assigned to the specified user and group or groups that the user belongs to.
listIngestions({required String awsAccountId, required String dataSetId, int? maxResults, String? nextToken}) Future<ListIngestionsResponse>
Lists the history of SPICE ingestions for a dataset.
listNamespaces({required String awsAccountId, int? maxResults, String? nextToken}) Future<ListNamespacesResponse>
Lists the namespaces for the specified AWS account.
listTagsForResource({required String resourceArn}) Future<ListTagsForResourceResponse>
Lists the tags assigned to a resource.
listTemplateAliases({required String awsAccountId, required String templateId, int? maxResults, String? nextToken}) Future<ListTemplateAliasesResponse>
Lists all the aliases of a template.
listTemplates({required String awsAccountId, int? maxResults, String? nextToken}) Future<ListTemplatesResponse>
Lists all the templates in the current Amazon QuickSight account.
listTemplateVersions({required String awsAccountId, required String templateId, int? maxResults, String? nextToken}) Future<ListTemplateVersionsResponse>
Lists all the versions of the templates in the current Amazon QuickSight account.
listThemeAliases({required String awsAccountId, required String themeId, int? maxResults, String? nextToken}) Future<ListThemeAliasesResponse>
Lists all the aliases of a theme.
listThemes({required String awsAccountId, int? maxResults, String? nextToken, ThemeType? type}) Future<ListThemesResponse>
Lists all the themes in the current AWS account.
listThemeVersions({required String awsAccountId, required String themeId, int? maxResults, String? nextToken}) Future<ListThemeVersionsResponse>
Lists all the versions of the themes in the current AWS account.
listUserGroups({required String awsAccountId, required String namespace, required String userName, int? maxResults, String? nextToken}) Future<ListUserGroupsResponse>
Lists the Amazon QuickSight groups that an Amazon QuickSight user is a member of.
listUsers({required String awsAccountId, required String namespace, int? maxResults, String? nextToken}) Future<ListUsersResponse>
Returns a list of all of the Amazon QuickSight users belonging to this account.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
registerUser({required String awsAccountId, required String email, required IdentityType identityType, required String namespace, required UserRole userRole, String? customPermissionsName, String? iamArn, String? sessionName, String? userName}) Future<RegisterUserResponse>
Creates an Amazon QuickSight user, whose identity is associated with the AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) identity or role specified in the request.
restoreAnalysis({required String analysisId, required String awsAccountId}) Future<RestoreAnalysisResponse>
Restores an analysis.
searchAnalyses({required String awsAccountId, required List<AnalysisSearchFilter> filters, int? maxResults, String? nextToken}) Future<SearchAnalysesResponse>
Searches for analyses that belong to the user specified in the filter.
searchDashboards({required String awsAccountId, required List<DashboardSearchFilter> filters, int? maxResults, String? nextToken}) Future<SearchDashboardsResponse>
Searches for dashboards that belong to a user.
tagResource({required String resourceArn, required List<Tag> tags}) Future<TagResourceResponse>
Assigns one or more tags (key-value pairs) to the specified QuickSight resource.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
untagResource({required String resourceArn, required List<String> tagKeys}) Future<UntagResourceResponse>
Removes a tag or tags from a resource.
updateAccountCustomization({required AccountCustomization accountCustomization, required String awsAccountId, String? namespace}) Future<UpdateAccountCustomizationResponse>
Updates Amazon QuickSight customizations the current AWS Region. Currently, the only customization you can use is a theme.
updateAccountSettings({required String awsAccountId, required String defaultNamespace, String? notificationEmail}) Future<UpdateAccountSettingsResponse>
Updates the Amazon QuickSight settings in your AWS account.
updateAnalysis({required String analysisId, required String awsAccountId, required String name, required AnalysisSourceEntity sourceEntity, Parameters? parameters, String? themeArn}) Future<UpdateAnalysisResponse>
Updates an analysis in Amazon QuickSight
updateAnalysisPermissions({required String analysisId, required String awsAccountId, List<ResourcePermission>? grantPermissions, List<ResourcePermission>? revokePermissions}) Future<UpdateAnalysisPermissionsResponse>
Updates the read and write permissions for an analysis.
updateDashboard({required String awsAccountId, required String dashboardId, required String name, required DashboardSourceEntity sourceEntity, DashboardPublishOptions? dashboardPublishOptions, Parameters? parameters, String? themeArn, String? versionDescription}) Future<UpdateDashboardResponse>
Updates a dashboard in an AWS account.
updateDashboardPermissions({required String awsAccountId, required String dashboardId, List<ResourcePermission>? grantPermissions, List<ResourcePermission>? revokePermissions}) Future<UpdateDashboardPermissionsResponse>
Updates read and write permissions on a dashboard.
updateDashboardPublishedVersion({required String awsAccountId, required String dashboardId, required int versionNumber}) Future<UpdateDashboardPublishedVersionResponse>
Updates the published version of a dashboard.
updateDataSet({required String awsAccountId, required String dataSetId, required DataSetImportMode importMode, required String name, required Map<String, PhysicalTable> physicalTableMap, List<ColumnGroup>? columnGroups, List<ColumnLevelPermissionRule>? columnLevelPermissionRules, Map<String, LogicalTable>? logicalTableMap, RowLevelPermissionDataSet? rowLevelPermissionDataSet}) Future<UpdateDataSetResponse>
Updates a dataset.
updateDataSetPermissions({required String awsAccountId, required String dataSetId, List<ResourcePermission>? grantPermissions, List<ResourcePermission>? revokePermissions}) Future<UpdateDataSetPermissionsResponse>
Updates the permissions on a dataset.
updateDataSource({required String awsAccountId, required String dataSourceId, required String name, DataSourceCredentials? credentials, DataSourceParameters? dataSourceParameters, SslProperties? sslProperties, VpcConnectionProperties? vpcConnectionProperties}) Future<UpdateDataSourceResponse>
Updates a data source.
updateDataSourcePermissions({required String awsAccountId, required String dataSourceId, List<ResourcePermission>? grantPermissions, List<ResourcePermission>? revokePermissions}) Future<UpdateDataSourcePermissionsResponse>
Updates the permissions to a data source.
updateGroup({required String awsAccountId, required String groupName, required String namespace, String? description}) Future<UpdateGroupResponse>
Changes a group description.
updateIAMPolicyAssignment({required String assignmentName, required String awsAccountId, required String namespace, AssignmentStatus? assignmentStatus, Map<String, List<String>>? identities, String? policyArn}) Future<UpdateIAMPolicyAssignmentResponse>
Updates an existing IAM policy assignment. This operation updates only the optional parameter or parameters that are specified in the request. This overwrites all of the users included in Identities.
updateTemplate({required String awsAccountId, required TemplateSourceEntity sourceEntity, required String templateId, String? name, String? versionDescription}) Future<UpdateTemplateResponse>
Updates a template from an existing Amazon QuickSight analysis or another template.
updateTemplateAlias({required String aliasName, required String awsAccountId, required String templateId, required int templateVersionNumber}) Future<UpdateTemplateAliasResponse>
Updates the template alias of a template.
updateTemplatePermissions({required String awsAccountId, required String templateId, List<ResourcePermission>? grantPermissions, List<ResourcePermission>? revokePermissions}) Future<UpdateTemplatePermissionsResponse>
Updates the resource permissions for a template.
updateTheme({required String awsAccountId, required String baseThemeId, required String themeId, ThemeConfiguration? configuration, String? name, String? versionDescription}) Future<UpdateThemeResponse>
Updates a theme.
updateThemeAlias({required String aliasName, required String awsAccountId, required String themeId, required int themeVersionNumber}) Future<UpdateThemeAliasResponse>
Updates an alias of a theme.
updateThemePermissions({required String awsAccountId, required String themeId, List<ResourcePermission>? grantPermissions, List<ResourcePermission>? revokePermissions}) Future<UpdateThemePermissionsResponse>
Updates the resource permissions for a theme. Permissions apply to the action to grant or revoke permissions on, for example "quicksight:DescribeTheme".
updateUser({required String awsAccountId, required String email, required String namespace, required UserRole role, required String userName, String? customPermissionsName, bool? unapplyCustomPermissions}) Future<UpdateUserResponse>
Updates an Amazon QuickSight user.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.