engineAttributes property

List<EngineAttribute>? engineAttributes

The response of a createServer() request returns the master credential to access the server in EngineAttributes. These credentials are not stored by AWS OpsWorks CM; they are returned only as part of the result of createServer().

Attributes returned in a createServer response for Chef

  • CHEF_AUTOMATE_PIVOTAL_KEY: A base64-encoded RSA private key that is generated by AWS OpsWorks for Chef Automate. This private key is required to access the Chef API.
  • CHEF_STARTER_KIT: A base64-encoded ZIP file. The ZIP file contains a Chef starter kit, which includes a README, a configuration file, and the required RSA private key. Save this file, unzip it, and then change to the directory where you've unzipped the file contents. From this directory, you can run Knife commands.

Attributes returned in a createServer response for Puppet

  • PUPPET_STARTER_KIT: A base64-encoded ZIP file. The ZIP file contains a Puppet starter kit, including a README and a required private key. Save this file, unzip it, and then change to the directory where you've unzipped the file contents.
  • PUPPET_ADMIN_PASSWORD: An administrator password that you can use to sign in to the Puppet Enterprise console after the server is online.


final List<EngineAttribute>? engineAttributes;