kms-2014-11-01 library
- AliasListEntry
- Contains information about an alias.
- AwsClientCredentials
- AWS credentials.
- CancelKeyDeletionResponse
- ConnectCustomKeyStoreResponse
- CreateCustomKeyStoreResponse
- CreateGrantResponse
- CreateKeyResponse
- CustomKeyStoresListEntry
- Contains information about each custom key store in the custom key store list.
- DecryptResponse
- DeleteCustomKeyStoreResponse
- DescribeCustomKeyStoresResponse
- DescribeKeyResponse
- DisconnectCustomKeyStoreResponse
- EncryptResponse
- GenerateDataKeyPairResponse
- GenerateDataKeyPairWithoutPlaintextResponse
- GenerateDataKeyResponse
- GenerateDataKeyWithoutPlaintextResponse
- GenerateRandomResponse
- GetKeyPolicyResponse
- GetKeyRotationStatusResponse
- GetParametersForImportResponse
- GetPublicKeyResponse
- GrantConstraints
- Use this structure to allow cryptographic operations in the grant only when the operation request includes the specified encryption context.
- GrantListEntry
- Contains information about a grant.
- ImportKeyMaterialResponse
- KeyListEntry
- Contains information about each entry in the key list.
- KeyMetadata
- Contains metadata about a customer master key (CMK).
- AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) is an encryption and key management web service. This guide describes the AWS KMS operations that you can call programmatically. For general information about AWS KMS, see the AWS Key Management Service Developer Guide . We recommend that you use the AWS SDKs to make programmatic API calls to AWS KMS.
- ListAliasesResponse
- ListGrantsResponse
- ListKeyPoliciesResponse
- ListKeysResponse
- ListResourceTagsResponse
- ReEncryptResponse
- ScheduleKeyDeletionResponse
- SignResponse
- Tag
- A key-value pair. A tag consists of a tag key and a tag value. Tag keys and tag values are both required, but tag values can be empty (null) strings.
- UpdateCustomKeyStoreResponse
- VerifyResponse
- AlgorithmSpecFromString on String
- AlgorithmSpecValueExtension on AlgorithmSpec
- ConnectionErrorCodeTypeFromString on String
- ConnectionErrorCodeTypeValueExtension on ConnectionErrorCodeType
- ConnectionStateTypeFromString on String
- ConnectionStateTypeValueExtension on ConnectionStateType
- CustomerMasterKeySpecFromString on String
- CustomerMasterKeySpecValueExtension on CustomerMasterKeySpec
- DataKeyPairSpecFromString on String
- DataKeyPairSpecValueExtension on DataKeyPairSpec
- DataKeySpecFromString on String
- DataKeySpecValueExtension on DataKeySpec
- EncryptionAlgorithmSpecFromString on String
- EncryptionAlgorithmSpecValueExtension on EncryptionAlgorithmSpec
- ExpirationModelTypeFromString on String
- ExpirationModelTypeValueExtension on ExpirationModelType
- GrantOperationFromString on String
- GrantOperationValueExtension on GrantOperation
- KeyManagerTypeFromString on String
- KeyManagerTypeValueExtension on KeyManagerType
- KeyStateFromString on String
- KeyStateValueExtension on KeyState
- KeyUsageTypeFromString on String
- KeyUsageTypeValueExtension on KeyUsageType
- MessageTypeFromString on String
- MessageTypeValueExtension on MessageType
- OriginTypeFromString on String
- OriginTypeValueExtension on OriginType
- SigningAlgorithmSpecFromString on String
- SigningAlgorithmSpecValueExtension on SigningAlgorithmSpec
- WrappingKeySpecFromString on String
- WrappingKeySpecValueExtension on WrappingKeySpec
Exceptions / Errors
- AlreadyExistsException
- CloudHsmClusterInUseException
- CloudHsmClusterInvalidConfigurationException
- CloudHsmClusterNotActiveException
- CloudHsmClusterNotFoundException
- CloudHsmClusterNotRelatedException
- CustomKeyStoreHasCMKsException
- CustomKeyStoreInvalidStateException
- CustomKeyStoreNameInUseException
- CustomKeyStoreNotFoundException
- DependencyTimeoutException
- DisabledException
- ExpiredImportTokenException
- IncorrectKeyException
- IncorrectKeyMaterialException
- IncorrectTrustAnchorException
- InvalidAliasNameException
- InvalidArnException
- InvalidCiphertextException
- InvalidGrantIdException
- InvalidGrantTokenException
- InvalidImportTokenException
- InvalidKeyUsageException
- InvalidMarkerException
- KMSInternalException
- KMSInvalidSignatureException
- KMSInvalidStateException
- LimitExceededException
- MalformedPolicyDocumentException
- NotFoundException
- TagException
- UnsupportedOperationException