KeyMetadata class

Contains metadata about a customer master key (CMK).

This data type is used as a response element for the CreateKey and DescribeKey operations.


KeyMetadata({required String keyId, String? awsAccountId, String? arn, String? cloudHsmClusterId, DateTime? creationDate, String? customKeyStoreId, CustomerMasterKeySpec? customerMasterKeySpec, DateTime? deletionDate, String? description, bool? enabled, List<EncryptionAlgorithmSpec>? encryptionAlgorithms, ExpirationModelType? expirationModel, KeyManagerType? keyManager, KeyState? keyState, KeyUsageType? keyUsage, OriginType? origin, List<SigningAlgorithmSpec>? signingAlgorithms, DateTime? validTo})
KeyMetadata.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json)


arn String?
The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the CMK. For examples, see AWS Key Management Service (AWS KMS) in the Example ARNs section of the AWS General Reference.
awsAccountId String?
The twelve-digit account ID of the AWS account that owns the CMK.
cloudHsmClusterId String?
The cluster ID of the AWS CloudHSM cluster that contains the key material for the CMK. When you create a CMK in a custom key store, AWS KMS creates the key material for the CMK in the associated AWS CloudHSM cluster. This value is present only when the CMK is created in a custom key store.
creationDate DateTime?
The date and time when the CMK was created.
customerMasterKeySpec CustomerMasterKeySpec?
Describes the type of key material in the CMK.
customKeyStoreId String?
A unique identifier for the custom key store that contains the CMK. This value is present only when the CMK is created in a custom key store.
deletionDate DateTime?
The date and time after which AWS KMS deletes the CMK. This value is present only when KeyState is PendingDeletion.
description String?
The description of the CMK.
enabled bool?
Specifies whether the CMK is enabled. When KeyState is Enabled this value is true, otherwise it is false.
encryptionAlgorithms List<EncryptionAlgorithmSpec>?
The encryption algorithms that the CMK supports. You cannot use the CMK with other encryption algorithms within AWS KMS.
expirationModel ExpirationModelType?
Specifies whether the CMK's key material expires. This value is present only when Origin is EXTERNAL, otherwise this value is omitted.
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
keyId String
The globally unique identifier for the CMK.
keyManager KeyManagerType?
The manager of the CMK. CMKs in your AWS account are either customer managed or AWS managed. For more information about the difference, see Customer Master Keys in the AWS Key Management Service Developer Guide.
keyState KeyState?
The current status of the CMK.
keyUsage KeyUsageType?
The cryptographic operations for which you can use the CMK.
origin OriginType?
The source of the CMK's key material. When this value is AWS_KMS, AWS KMS created the key material. When this value is EXTERNAL, the key material was imported from your existing key management infrastructure or the CMK lacks key material. When this value is AWS_CLOUDHSM, the key material was created in the AWS CloudHSM cluster associated with a custom key store.
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
signingAlgorithms List<SigningAlgorithmSpec>?
The signing algorithms that the CMK supports. You cannot use the CMK with other signing algorithms within AWS KMS.
validTo DateTime?
The time at which the imported key material expires. When the key material expires, AWS KMS deletes the key material and the CMK becomes unusable. This value is present only for CMKs whose Origin is EXTERNAL and whose ExpirationModel is KEY_MATERIAL_EXPIRES, otherwise this value is omitted.


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.