aws_credential_providers library


Utility class for caching credentials from a credential provider, with built in support for refreshing when expired.
Utility class for chaining multiple providers in a fallback chain Example usage with default chain:


fromEnvironment({Client? client}) Future<AwsClientCredentials?>
Source AWS credentials from known environment variables. If either the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID or AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variable is not set in this process, the provider will return null.
fromIni({bool preferStaticCredentials = false, Client? client, String? preferredProfile}) Future<AwsClientCredentials?>
Creates a credential provider that will read from ini files and supports role assumption and multi-factor authentication.
fromInstanceMetaDataService(Client? client) Future<AwsClientCredentials?>
A credential provider that will source credentials from the EC2 Instance Metadata Service