changeSource property

ChangeSource? changeSource

The group to which the CausingEntity value belongs. There are five entity groups:

  • ResourceReference entities are Ref intrinsic functions that refer to resources in the template, such as { "Ref" : "MyEC2InstanceResource" }.
  • ParameterReference entities are Ref intrinsic functions that get template parameter values, such as { "Ref" : "MyPasswordParameter" }.
  • ResourceAttribute entities are Fn::GetAtt intrinsic functions that get resource attribute values, such as { "Fn::GetAtt" : [ "MyEC2InstanceResource", "PublicDnsName" ] }.
  • DirectModification entities are changes that are made directly to the template.
  • Automatic entities are AWS::CloudFormation::Stack resource types, which are also known as nested stacks. If you made no changes to the AWS::CloudFormation::Stack resource, AWS CloudFormation sets the ChangeSource to Automatic because the nested stack's template might have changed. Changes to a nested stack's template aren't visible to AWS CloudFormation until you run an update on the parent stack.


final ChangeSource? changeSource;