apigatewayv2-2018-11-29 library
- AccessLogSettings
- Settings for logging access in a stage.
- Api
- Represents an API.
- ApiGatewayV2
- Amazon API Gateway V2
- ApiMapping
- Represents an API mapping.
- Authorizer
- Represents an authorizer.
- AwsClientCredentials
- AWS credentials.
- Cors
- Represents a CORS configuration. Supported only for HTTP APIs. See Configuring CORS for more information.
- CreateApiMappingResponse
- CreateApiResponse
- CreateAuthorizerResponse
- CreateDeploymentResponse
- CreateDomainNameResponse
- CreateIntegrationResponseResponse
- CreateIntegrationResult
- CreateModelResponse
- CreateRouteResponseResponse
- CreateRouteResult
- CreateStageResponse
- CreateVpcLinkResponse
- DeleteVpcLinkResponse
- Deployment
- An immutable representation of an API that can be called by users. A Deployment must be associated with a Stage for it to be callable over the internet.
- DomainName
- Represents a domain name.
- DomainNameConfiguration
- The domain name configuration.
- ExportApiResponse
- GetApiMappingResponse
- GetApiMappingsResponse
- GetApiResponse
- GetApisResponse
- GetAuthorizerResponse
- GetAuthorizersResponse
- GetDeploymentResponse
- GetDeploymentsResponse
- GetDomainNameResponse
- GetDomainNamesResponse
- GetIntegrationResponseResponse
- GetIntegrationResponsesResponse
- GetIntegrationResult
- GetIntegrationsResponse
- GetModelResponse
- GetModelsResponse
- GetModelTemplateResponse
- GetRouteResponseResponse
- GetRouteResponsesResponse
- GetRouteResult
- GetRoutesResponse
- GetStageResponse
- GetStagesResponse
- GetTagsResponse
- GetVpcLinkResponse
- GetVpcLinksResponse
- ImportApiResponse
- Integration
- Represents an integration.
- IntegrationResponse
- Represents an integration response.
- JWTConfiguration
- Represents the configuration of a JWT authorizer. Required for the JWT authorizer type. Supported only for HTTP APIs.
- Model
- Represents a data model for an API. Supported only for WebSocket APIs. See Create Models and Mapping Templates for Request and Response Mappings.
- MutualTlsAuthentication
- MutualTlsAuthenticationInput
- ParameterConstraints
- Validation constraints imposed on parameters of a request (path, query string, headers).
- ReimportApiResponse
- Route
- Represents a route.
- RouteResponse
- Represents a route response.
- RouteSettings
- Represents a collection of route settings.
- Stage
- Represents an API stage.
- TagResourceResponse
- TlsConfig
- The TLS configuration for a private integration. If you specify a TLS configuration, private integration traffic uses the HTTPS protocol. Supported only for HTTP APIs.
- TlsConfigInput
- The TLS configuration for a private integration. If you specify a TLS configuration, private integration traffic uses the HTTPS protocol. Supported only for HTTP APIs.
- UpdateApiMappingResponse
- UpdateApiResponse
- UpdateAuthorizerResponse
- UpdateDeploymentResponse
- UpdateDomainNameResponse
- UpdateIntegrationResponseResponse
- UpdateIntegrationResult
- UpdateModelResponse
- UpdateRouteResponseResponse
- UpdateRouteResult
- UpdateStageResponse
- UpdateVpcLinkResponse
- VpcLink
- Represents a VPC link.
- AuthorizationType
- The authorization type. For WebSocket APIs, valid values are NONE for open access, AWS_IAM for using AWS IAM permissions, and CUSTOM for using a Lambda authorizer. For HTTP APIs, valid values are NONE for open access, JWT for using JSON Web Tokens, AWS_IAM for using AWS IAM permissions, and CUSTOM for using a Lambda authorizer.
- AuthorizerType
- The authorizer type. Specify REQUEST for a Lambda function using incoming request parameters. Specify JWT to use JSON Web Tokens (supported only for HTTP APIs).
- ConnectionType
- Represents a connection type.
- ContentHandlingStrategy
- Specifies how to handle response payload content type conversions. Supported only for WebSocket APIs.
- DeploymentStatus
- Represents a deployment status.
- DomainNameStatus
- The status of the domain name migration. The valid values are AVAILABLE and UPDATING. If the status is UPDATING, the domain cannot be modified further until the existing operation is complete. If it is AVAILABLE, the domain can be updated.
- EndpointType
- Represents an endpoint type.
- IntegrationType
- Represents an API method integration type.
- LoggingLevel
- The logging level.
- PassthroughBehavior
- Represents passthrough behavior for an integration response. Supported only for WebSocket APIs.
- ProtocolType
- Represents a protocol type.
- SecurityPolicy
- The Transport Layer Security (TLS) version of the security policy for this domain name. The valid values are TLS_1_0 and TLS_1_2.
- VpcLinkStatus
- The status of the VPC link.
- VpcLinkVersion
- The version of the VPC link.