aweSideSheet function

Future<void> aweSideSheet({
  1. required BuildContext context,
  2. required SheetPosition sheetPosition,
  3. Widget? body,
  4. Widget? footer,
  5. Widget? header,
  6. bool barrierDismissible = true,
  7. bool showBackButton = true,
  8. bool showCloseButton = true,
  9. bool showActions = true,
  10. bool showFooterDivider = true,
  11. bool showHeaderDivider = true,
  12. bool showSideDivider = true,
  13. bool safeAreaTop = true,
  14. bool safeAreaBottom = true,
  15. String confirmActionText = 'Save',
  16. String cancelActionText = 'Cancel',
  17. String? title,
  18. Duration? transitionDuration,
  19. double sheetWidth = 400,
  20. double? borderRadius,
  21. Color? backgroundColor,
  22. dynamic surfaceTintColor,
  23. dynamic textColor,
  24. dynamic iconColor,
  25. dynamic dividerColor,
  26. dynamic confirmButtonBgColor,
  27. dynamic confirmButtonTextColor,
  28. dynamic cancelButtonBgColor,
  29. dynamic cancelButtonTextColor,
  30. void onConfirm()?,
  31. void onCancel()?,
  32. void onDismiss()?,
  33. void onClose()?,

Displays a side sheet dialog with customizable options.

The aweSideSheet function displays a side sheet dialog with various customizable options such as the sheet position, widgets for the body, footer, and header, bool values to control the visibility of certain elements, strings for confirm and cancel action texts, duration for the transition animation, dimensions for the sheet width and border radius, colors for different UI elements, and callback functions for various events.

The context parameter is required and specifies the build context for the dialog. The sheetPosition parameter is required and specifies the position of the side sheet (either left or right).

The body, footer, and header parameters are optional and allow you to provide custom widgets for the corresponding sections of the side sheet.

The bool parameters such as barrierDismissible, showBackButton, showCloseButton, showActions, showFooterDivider, showHeaderDivider, showSideDivider, safeAreaTop, and safeAreaBottom control the visibility and behavior of certain elements in the side sheet.

The string parameters confirmActionText, cancelActionText, and title allow you to customize the text displayed in the side sheet.

The transitionDuration parameter allows you to specify the duration of the transition animation when showing or hiding the side sheet.

The sheetWidth parameter determines the width of the side sheet, while the borderRadius parameter allows you to specify the border radius of the side sheet.

The color parameters such as backgroundColor, surfaceTintColor, textColor, iconColor, dividerColor, confirmButtonBgColor, confirmButtonTextColor, cancelButtonBgColor, and cancelButtonTextColor allow you to customize the colors of different UI elements in the side sheet.

The callback parameters such as onConfirm, onCancel, onDismiss, and onClose allow you to specify custom behavior for various events in the side sheet.

Example usage:

  context: context,
  sheetPosition: SheetPosition.right,
  body: Container(
    child: Text('This is the body of the side sheet'),
  title: 'Side Sheet',
  onConfirm: () {
    // Perform save action
  onCancel: () {
    // Perform cancel action


Future<void> aweSideSheet({
  // required
  required BuildContext context,
  required SheetPosition sheetPosition,

  // widgets
  Widget? body,
  Widget? footer,
  Widget? header,

  // bools
  bool barrierDismissible = true,
  bool showBackButton = true,
  bool showCloseButton = true,
  bool showActions = true,
  bool showFooterDivider = true,
  bool showHeaderDivider = true,
  bool showSideDivider = true,
  bool safeAreaTop = true,
  bool safeAreaBottom = true,

  // strings
  String confirmActionText = 'Save',
  String cancelActionText = 'Cancel',
  String? title,

  // duration
  Duration? transitionDuration,

  // doubles
  double sheetWidth = 400,
  double? borderRadius,

  // Colors
  Color? backgroundColor,

  // callbacks
  void Function()? onConfirm,
  void Function()? onCancel,
  void Function()? onDismiss,
  void Function()? onClose,
}) async {
  await showGeneralDialog(
    context: context,
    transitionDuration: transitionDuration ?? const Duration(milliseconds: 500),
    barrierDismissible: barrierDismissible,
    barrierColor: Theme.of(context).colorScheme.scrim.withOpacity(0.3),
    barrierLabel: 'Material 3 side sheet',
    transitionBuilder: (context, animation, secondaryAnimation, child) {
      return SlideTransition(
        position: Tween(
          begin: (sheetPosition == SheetPosition.right)
              ? const Offset(1, 0)
              : const Offset(-1, 0),
          end: const Offset(0, 0),
        child: child,
    pageBuilder: (context, animation1, animation2) {
      return Align(
        alignment: (sheetPosition == SheetPosition.right)
            ? Alignment.centerRight
            : Alignment.centerLeft,
        child: SideSheet(
          // enums
          sheetPosition: sheetPosition,
          // strings
          title: title,
          // widgets
          body: body ?? const SizedBox(),
          footer: footer,
          header: header,
          // doubles
          sheetWidth: sheetWidth,
          borderRadius: borderRadius,
          // bools
          showFooterDivider: showFooterDivider,
          showHeaderDivider: showHeaderDivider,
          showSideDivider: showSideDivider,
          showBackButton: showBackButton,
          showActions: showActions,
          safeAreaTop: safeAreaTop,
          safeAreaBottom: safeAreaBottom,
          // callbacks
          confirmActionOnPressed: onConfirm,
          cancelActionOnPressed: onCancel,
          confirmActionText: confirmActionText,
          cancelActionText: cancelActionText,
          showCloseButton: showCloseButton,
          onClose: onClose,
          // Colors
          backgroundColor: backgroundColor,
          surfaceTintColor: surfaceTintColor,
          textColor: textColor,
          iconColor: iconColor,
          dividerColor: dividerColor,
          confirmButtonBgColor: confirmButtonBgColor,
          confirmButtonTextColor: confirmButtonTextColor,
          cancelButtonBgColor: cancelButtonBgColor,
          cancelButtonTextColor: cancelButtonTextColor,
    (value) {
      if (!barrierDismissible) return;