setLocalization method

  1. @override
Future<bool> setLocalization({
  1. required String? languageCode,

The setLocalization method is used to set the desired localization for notifications. It takes a required languageCode parameter, which is an optional, case-insensitive String that represents the language code for the desired localization (e.g. "en" for English, "pt-br" for Brazilian Portuguese, "es" for Spanish, etc.). If the languageCode parameter is null or not provided, the default localization will be loaded from the device system.

This method returns a Future that resolves to true if the localization was successfully set, or false if the localization could not be set for any reason (e.g. the specified language is not supported).

The translation value for the title or is defined on the parameter


Future<bool> setLocalization({required String? languageCode}) async {
  var success = await methodChannel.invokeMethod(
  return success;