NavigatorExt extension



canPop() bool
just call this canPop() method and it would return true if this route can be popped and false if it’s not possible.
pop<T>({dynamic result}) → void
performs a simple Navigator.pop action and returns given result
popUntil(String screenName, {bool rootNavigator = false}) → void
perform replash with routeName
push(Widget screen, {RouteSettings? settings, bool maintainState = true, bool fullscreenDialog = false, bool rootNavigator = false}) Future
performs a simple Navigator.push action with given route
pushAndRemoveUntil(Widget screen, {RouteSettings? settings, bool maintainState = true, bool fullscreenDialog = false, bool routes = false, bool rootNavigator = false}) Future
perform push and remove route
pushNamed(String screenName, {Object? arguments, bool rootNavigator = false}) Future
perform push with routeName
pushReplacement(Widget screen, {RouteSettings? settings, bool maintainState = true, bool fullscreenDialog = false, bool rootNavigator = false}) Future
performs a simple Navigator.pushReplacement action with given route
pushReplacementNamed(String screenName, {Object? arguments, bool rootNavigator = false}) Future
perform replash with routeName