DecorationDoubleExt extension



bottomBorder({required Color color, double? width, Color? bgColor, bool bottom = true, bool top = false}) Decoration

Available on num, provided by the DecorationDoubleExt extension

boxDecoration(Color bgColor, {Color borderColor = const Color(0XFFE1E1E1), double borderWidth = 0.5}) BoxDecoration

Available on num, provided by the DecorationDoubleExt extension

leftDecoration(Color color) Decoration

Available on num, provided by the DecorationDoubleExt extension

radiusDecoration({Color? color, double? topLeft, double? topRight, double? bottomLeft, double? bottomRight}) Decoration

Available on num, provided by the DecorationDoubleExt extension

roundedDecoration(Color color) Decoration

Available on num, provided by the DecorationDoubleExt extension

roundedInputDecoration({String? hintText, TextStyle? hintStyle, Color borderSizeColor = Colors.transparent, Color? fillColor, EdgeInsetsGeometry? contentPadding}) InputDecoration

Available on num, provided by the DecorationDoubleExt extension

shadowDecoration(Color color) Decoration

Available on num, provided by the DecorationDoubleExt extension

topLeftRightDecoration(Color color) Decoration

Available on num, provided by the DecorationDoubleExt extension


box → const BoxDecoration