Table of Contents


Table of Contents



Build from Source

To build from source, clone the repo:

Then execute the command:

dart compile exe bin/run.dart

That will create an executable named run in the output directory that can be used to start the server.

Using Pub

Installation via Pub is straight forward. Execute the following command:

pub global activate automated_testing_framework_server_websocket

Then to start the server, execute:

pub global run automated_testing_framework_server_websocket:run


This server is designed to allow developers the ability to easily extend and customize it. Developers can provide a custom authentication scheme and / or the ability to execute custom commands.

Customizing the server begins with adding this package as a dependency in your own custom Dart project:

  automated_testing_framework_server_websocket: <version>

Next, create your own bin/run.dart file. See the default run.dart as an example starting point.


In order to customize the authentication mechanism, extend the Authentication class and implement the authenticate function. Then pass the custom authenticator to the Server at initialization time.


In order to customize the authorization mechanism, extend the Authorizer class and implement the authorize function. Then pass the custom authenticator to the Server at initialization time.


The Server accepts a series of handlers that can be used perform custom actions when commands are received.