execute method

  1. @override
Future<void> execute({
  1. required CancelToken cancelToken,
  2. required TestReport report,
  3. required TestController tester,

Iterates through all active Testable widgets that have an id that matches the given regEx, sets the id in variableName (or _testableId if no variableName is set) and calls the step.


Future<void> execute({
  required CancelToken cancelToken,
  required TestReport report,
  required TestController tester,
}) async {
  final regEx = tester.resolveVariable(this.regEx).toString();
  final variableName =
      tester.resolveVariable(this.variableName) ?? '_testableId';

  final name = "$id('$regEx', '$variableName')";
    tester: tester,

  TestStep? testStep;
  if (step != null) {
    testStep = TestStep.fromDynamic(step);
  if (testStep == null) {
    throw Exception('for_each_testable: failing due to no sub-step');

  final regExp = RegExp(regEx);
  final testables = find.byType(Testable).evaluate();
  for (var testable in testables) {
    if (cancelToken.cancelled == true) {
      throw Exception('[CANCELLED]: the step has been cancelled.');
    final key = testable.widget.key;
    if (key is ValueKey) {
      final id = key.value.toString();
      if (id.isNotEmpty == true && regExp.hasMatch(id)) {
          'for_each_testable: testableId: [$id]',
          tester: tester,
          value: id,
          variableName: variableName,
        await tester.executeStep(
          cancelToken: cancelToken,
          report: report,
          step: testStep,
          subStep: true,