uploadTextFile method

Future<void> uploadTextFile(
  1. List<String?> children,
  2. String data, {
  3. bool gzipData = true,

Uploads a text file to Cloud Firestore. If the gzipData is set to true then the data will be encoded via GZIP before transmission and the encoding will be set to 'gzip', otherwise the data will be sent with vanilla UTF8 encoding and the encoding will be set to 'utf8'.

The children must contain one or more path elements to the location of the text file.


Future<void> uploadTextFile(
  List<String?> children,
  String data, {
  bool gzipData = true,
}) async {
  var ref = storage.ref();
  for (var child in children) {
    ref = ref.child(child!);

  var bytes = utf8.encode(data);
  if (gzipData == true) {
    bytes = gzip.encoder.convert(bytes);

  try {
    await ref.putData(
        contentEncoding: gzipData == true ? 'gzip' : 'utf8',
        contentType: 'application/json',
  } catch (e, stack) {
    _logger.severe('Error writing: $children', e, stack);