AutoValidators class

Created By Mahmoud El Shenawy (



AutoValidators(String? input)


copyWith → $AutoValidatorsCopyWith<AutoValidators>
no setterinherited
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
input String?
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

alphabetValidate RegExp?
It Contains Alphabet Format Correctly.
getter/setter pair
alphanumericValidate RegExp?
It Contains Alphanumeric Format Correctly.
getter/setter pair
alphanumericWithSpacesValidate RegExp?
It Contains Alphanumeric with Spaces Format Correctly.
getter/setter pair
asciiValidate RegExp?
It Contains ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) Format Format Correctly.
getter/setter pair
base32Validate RegExp?
It Contains Base32 Format Format Correctly.
getter/setter pair
base58Validate RegExp?
It Contains Base58 Format Format Correctly.
getter/setter pair
base64Validate RegExp?
It Contains Base64 Format Format Correctly.
getter/setter pair
bicValidate RegExp?
It Contains BIC (Bank Identifier Code) Format Correctly.
getter/setter pair
creditCardValidate RegExp?
It Contains Credit Card Format Correctly.
getter/setter pair
dateMMDDYYYYValidate RegExp?
It Contains Date Format Correctly. (Validate The Calendar Date In MM/DD/YYYY).
getter/setter pair
dateYYYYMMDDValidate RegExp?
It Contains Date Format Correctly. (Validate The Calendar Date In YYYY/MM/DD).
getter/setter pair
decimalsSignedValidate RegExp?
It Contains Signed Decimals Format Correctly.
getter/setter pair
decimalsValidate RegExp?
It Contains Decimals Format Correctly.
getter/setter pair
digitsValidate RegExp?
It Contains Digits Format Correctly.
getter/setter pair
emailValidate RegExp?
It Contains email Format Correctly.
getter/setter pair
emojiValidate RegExp?
It Contains Emoji Format Format Correctly.
getter/setter pair
hexColorValidate RegExp?
It Contains Hexadecimal Color Format Format Correctly.
getter/setter pair
hexNumberValidate RegExp?
It Contains Hexadecimal Number Format Format Correctly.
getter/setter pair
inputArabicValidate RegExp?
It Contains Input Arabic Format Correctly.
getter/setter pair
internationalPhoneNumberValidate RegExp?
It Contains International Phone Number Format Correctly.
getter/setter pair
ipv4Validate RegExp?
It Contains IpV4 (Internet Protocol Version 4) Format Correctly.
getter/setter pair
ipv6Validate RegExp?
It Contains IpV6 (Internet Protocol Version 6) Format Correctly.
getter/setter pair
isbn10Validate RegExp?
It Contains ISBN10 (International Standard Book Number - Version 10) Format Correctly.
getter/setter pair
isbn13Validate RegExp?
It Contains ISBN13 (International Standard Book Number - Version 13) Format Correctly.
getter/setter pair
isinValidate RegExp?
It Contains ISIN (International Securities Identification Number) Format Correctly.
getter/setter pair
jwtValidate RegExp?
It Contains JWT (Json Web Token) Format Format Correctly.
getter/setter pair
latValidate RegExp?
It Contains Latitude Format Format Correctly.
getter/setter pair
longValidate RegExp?
It Contains Longitude Format Format Correctly.
getter/setter pair
lowerCaseValidate RegExp?
It Contains LowerCase Format Correctly.
getter/setter pair
macAddressNoColonsValidate RegExp?
It Contains MAC Address (Media Access Control) No Colons Format Correctly.
getter/setter pair
macAddressValidate RegExp?
It Contains MAC Address (Media Access Control) Format Correctly.
getter/setter pair
macAddressWithHyphenValidate RegExp?
It Contains MAC Address With Hyphen Format Correctly.
getter/setter pair
macAddressWithSpacesValidate RegExp?
It Contains MAC Address With Spaces Format Correctly.
getter/setter pair
magnetURIValidate RegExp?
It Contains Magnet URI Format Correctly.
getter/setter pair
md5Validate RegExp?
It Contains MD5 (Message-Digest Algorithm) Hash Format Correctly.
getter/setter pair
multibyteValidate RegExp?
It Contains Multibyte Character Sets Format Correctly.
getter/setter pair
passportValidate RegExp?
It Contains Passport Format Correctly.
getter/setter pair
passwordStrongValidate RegExp?
It Contains at least 1 lowerCase letter, upperCase letter, number, special character and 8 characters long.
getter/setter pair
passwordValidate RegExp?
It Contains at least 1 lowerCase letter, upperCase letter, number and 8 characters long.
getter/setter pair
phoneNumberValidate RegExp?
It Contains Phone Number Format Correctly.
getter/setter pair
ssnValidate RegExp?
It Contains SNN (Social Security Number) Format Correctly.
getter/setter pair
upperCaseValidate RegExp?
It Contains UpperCase Format Correctly.
getter/setter pair
urlValidate RegExp?
/// It Contains URL Format Correctly.
getter/setter pair
userNameValidate RegExp?
It Contains Alphanumeric, underscores and hyphens and its long between 3 to 16 characters.
getter/setter pair