Response<T extends Object> class

Represents the response of an operation, containing various flags, data, and status. T represents the type of data being handled.


Response({int requestCode = 0, bool? available, bool? cancel, bool? complete, bool? error, bool? failed, bool? internetError, bool? loading, bool? nullable, bool? paused, bool? stopped, bool? successful, bool? timeout, bool? valid, T? data, List<T>? backups, List<T>? ignores, List<T>? result, double? progress, Status? status, String? exception, String? message, dynamic feedback, dynamic snapshot})
Constructs a Response object with optional initial values.


backups List<T>
getter/setter pair
beautify String
Returns a beautified string representation of the response.
no setter
data ↔ T?
getter/setter pair
exception String
getter/setter pair
feedback ↔ dynamic
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
ignores List<T>
getter/setter pair
isAvailable bool
Indicates if the response is available.
getter/setter pair
isBackup bool
Indicates if there are backup data available.
no setter
isCancel bool
Indicates if the response has been cancelled.
getter/setter pair
isComplete bool
Indicates if the response is complete.
getter/setter pair
isError bool
Indicates if an error occurred in the response.
getter/setter pair
isException bool
no setter
isFailed bool
getter/setter pair
isIgnored bool
no setter
isInternetError bool
getter/setter pair
isLoaded bool
getter/setter pair
isLoading bool
getter/setter pair
isMessage bool
no setter
isNullable bool
getter/setter pair
isPaused bool
getter/setter pair
isStopped bool
getter/setter pair
isSuccessful bool
getter/setter pair
isTimeout bool
getter/setter pair
isValid bool
getter/setter pair
message String
getter/setter pair
progress double
getter/setter pair
requestCode int
The request code associated with the response.
result List<T>
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
snapshot ↔ dynamic
getter/setter pair
status Status
getter/setter pair


copy({int? requestCode, bool? available, bool? cancel, bool? complete, bool? error, bool? failed, bool? internetError, bool? loading, bool? nullable, bool? paused, bool? stopped, bool? successful, bool? timeout, bool? valid, T? data, List<T>? backups, List<T>? ignores, List<T>? result, double? progress, Status? status, String? exception, String? message, dynamic feedback, dynamic snapshot}) Response<T>
Creates a copy of the current Response object with optional modifications.
from(Response<T> response) Response<T>
Creates a new Response object from an existing response.
getSnapshot<Snapshot>() → Snapshot?
Gets the snapshot data if available.
modify({bool? available, bool? cancel, bool? complete, bool? error, bool? failed, bool? internetError, bool? loading, bool? nullable, bool? paused, bool? stopped, bool? successful, bool? timeout, bool? valid, T? data, List<T>? backups, List<T>? ignores, List<T>? result, double? progress, Status? status, String? exception, String? message, dynamic feedback, dynamic snapshot}) Response<T>
Modifies the current Response object with optional changes.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
Returns a string representation of the response.
withAvailable(bool available, {T? data, Status? status, String? message}) Response<T>
Sets the response as available and optionally provides data, status, and message.
withBackup(T? value, {dynamic feedback, String? message, Status? status}) Response<T>
Sets a backup value and associated properties with the response.
withBackups(List<T>? value, {dynamic feedback, String? message, Status? status}) Response<T>
Attaches a list of backup values to the response.
withCancel(bool cancel, {String? message}) Response<T>
Sets the response as cancelled and optionally provides a cancellation message.
withComplete(bool complete, {String? message}) Response<T>
Sets the response as complete and optionally provides a completion message.
withData(T? data, {String? message, Status? status}) Response<T>
Sets the data associated with the response and marks the response as successful.
withException(dynamic exception, {Status? status}) Response<T>
Sets the response as having encountered an exception.
withFailed(bool failed) Response<T>
Sets the response as failed.
withFeedback(dynamic feedback, {String? message, String? exception, Status status = Status.ok, bool loaded = true}) Response<T>
Sets feedback data and associated properties with the response.
withIgnore(T? value, {String? message, Status? status}) Response<T>
Sets an ignored value and associated properties with the response.
withInternetError(String message) Response<T>
Sets the response as having encountered an internet error.
withLoaded(bool loaded) Response<T>
Sets the loading status of the response.
withMessage(String? message, {Status status = Status.ok}) Response<T>
Sets a message and status for the response.
withNullable(bool nullable) Response<T>
Sets the nullable status of the response.
withPaused(bool paused) Response<T>
Sets the paused status of the response.
withProgress(double progress, {String? message}) Response<T>
Sets the progress value and optionally provides a message.
withResult(List<T>? result, {String? message, Status? status}) Response<T>
Sets the result list and associated properties with the response.
withSnapshot(dynamic snapshot, {String? message, Status? status}) Response<T>
Sets the snapshot data and associated properties with the response.
withStatus(Status status, {String? message}) Response<T>
Sets the status of the response.
withStopped(bool stopped) Response<T>
Sets the stopped status of the response.
withSuccessful(bool successful, {String? message}) Response<T>
Sets the success status of the response.
withTimeout(bool timeout) Response<T>
Sets the timeout status of the response.
withValid(bool valid) Response<T>
Sets the validity status of the response.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.