getAppleIDCredential abstract method

Future<IAppleAuthorizationCredentialAppleID> getAppleIDCredential({
  1. required List<IAppleIDAuthorizationScopes> scopes,
  2. IAppleWebAuthenticationOptions? webAuthenticationOptions,
  3. String? nonce,
  4. String? state,

Requests an Apple ID credential.

Shows the native UI on Apple's platform, a Chrome Custom Tab on Android, and a popup on Websites.

The returned AuthorizationCredentialAppleID's authorizationCode should then be used to validate the token with Apple's servers and create a session in your system.

Fields on the returned AuthorizationCredentialAppleID will be set based on the given scopes.

User data fields (first name, last name, email) will only be set if this is the initial authentication between the current app and Apple ID.

The returned Future will resolve in all cases on iOS and macOS, either with an exception if Sign in with Apple is not available, or as soon as the native UI goes away (either due cancellation or the completion of the authorization).

On Android the returned Future will never resolve in case the user closes the Chrome Custom Tab without finishing the authentication flow. Any previous Future would be rejected if the getAppleIDCredential is called again, while an earlier one is still pending.

Throws an SignInWithAppleException in case there was any error retrieving the credential. A specialized SignInWithAppleAuthorizationException is thrown in case of authorization errors, which contains further information about the failure.

Throws an SignInWithAppleNotSupportedException in case Sign in with Apple is not available (e.g. iOS < 13, macOS < 10.15)


Future<IAppleAuthorizationCredentialAppleID> getAppleIDCredential({
  required List<IAppleIDAuthorizationScopes> scopes,

  /// Optional parameters for web-based authentication flows on non-Apple platforms
  /// This parameter is required on Android and on the Web.
  IAppleWebAuthenticationOptions? webAuthenticationOptions,

  /// Optional string which, if set, will be be embedded in the resulting `identityToken` field on the [AuthorizationCredentialAppleID].
  /// This can be used to mitigate replay attacks by using a unique argument per sign-in attempt.
  /// Can be `null`, in which case no nonce will be passed to the request.
  String? nonce,

  /// Data that’s returned to you unmodified in the corresponding [AuthorizationCredentialAppleID.state] after a successful authentication.
  /// Can be `null`, in which case no state will be passed to the request.
  String? state,