loop method

Future<AudioPlayer> loop(
  1. String fileName, {
  2. double volume = 1.0,
  3. bool? isNotification,
  4. PlayerMode mode = PlayerMode.MEDIA_PLAYER,
  5. bool stayAwake = false,

Like play, but loops the audio (starts over once finished).

The instance of AudioPlayer created is returned, so you can use it to stop the playback as desired.

isNotification and stayAwake are not implemented on macOS.


Future<AudioPlayer> loop(
  String fileName, {
  double volume = 1.0,
  bool? isNotification,
  PlayerMode mode = PlayerMode.MEDIA_PLAYER,
  bool stayAwake = false,
}) async {
  String url = await getAbsoluteUrl(fileName);
  AudioPlayer player = _player(mode);
    volume: volume,
    respectSilence: isNotification ?? respectSilence,
    stayAwake: stayAwake,
  return player;