play method

Future<AudioPlayer> play(
  1. String fileName, {
  2. double volume = 1.0,
  3. bool? isNotification,
  4. PlayerMode mode = PlayerMode.MEDIA_PLAYER,
  5. bool stayAwake = false,
  6. bool recordingActive = false,
  7. bool? duckAudio,

Plays the given fileName.

If the file is already cached, it plays immediately. Otherwise, first waits for the file to load (might take a few milliseconds). It creates a new instance of AudioPlayer, so it does not affect other audios playing (unless you specify a fixedPlayer, in which case it always use the same). The instance is returned, to allow later access (either way), like pausing and resuming.

isNotification and stayAwake are not implemented on macOS


Future<AudioPlayer> play(
  String fileName, {
  double volume = 1.0,
  bool? isNotification,
  PlayerMode mode = PlayerMode.MEDIA_PLAYER,
  bool stayAwake = false,
  bool recordingActive = false,
  bool? duckAudio,
}) async {
  String url = await getAbsoluteUrl(fileName);
  AudioPlayer player = _player(mode);
    volume: volume,
    respectSilence: isNotification ?? respectSilence,
    stayAwake: stayAwake,
    recordingActive: recordingActive,
    duckAudio: duckAudio ?? this.duckAudio,
  return player;