thumbCanPaintOutsideBar property

bool thumbCanPaintOutsideBar

Whether the thumb radius will before the start of the bar when at the beginning or after the end of the bar when at the end.

The default is true and this means that the thumb will be painted outside of the bounds of the widget if there are no side labels. You can wrap ProgressBar with a Padding widget if your layout needs to leave some extra room for the thumb.

When set to false the thumb will be clamped within the width of the bar. This is nice for aligning the thumb with vertical labels at the start and end of playback. However, because of the clamping, the thumb won't move during audio/video playback when near the ends. Depending on the size of the thumb and the length of the song, this usually only lasts a few seconds. The progress label still indicates that playback is happening during this time, though.


final bool thumbCanPaintOutsideBar;