LinearCustomGauge constructor

const LinearCustomGauge({
  1. Key? key,
  2. required double minValue,
  3. required double maxValue,
  4. required double actualValue,
  5. required int divisions,
  6. required Text title,
  7. required TitlePosition titlePosition,
  8. required Color pointerColor,
  9. required Icon pointerIcon,
  10. required GaugeOrientation gaugeOrientation,
  11. required int decimalPlaces,
  12. required bool isAnimate,
  13. required int milliseconds,
  14. required double gaugeStrokeWidth,
  15. required double rangeStrokeWidth,
  16. required double majorTickStrokeWidth,
  17. required double minorTickStrokeWidth,
  18. required TextStyle actualValueTextStyle,
  19. required TextStyle majorTicksValueTextStyle,


const LinearCustomGauge({
  required this.minValue,
  required this.maxValue,
  required this.actualValue,
  required this.divisions,
  required this.title,
  required this.titlePosition,
  required this.pointerColor,
  required this.pointerIcon,
  required this.gaugeOrientation,
  required this.decimalPlaces,
  required this.isAnimate,
  required this.milliseconds,
  required this.gaugeStrokeWidth,
  required this.rangeStrokeWidth,
  required this.majorTickStrokeWidth,
  required this.minorTickStrokeWidth,
  required this.actualValueTextStyle,
  required this.majorTicksValueTextStyle,
})  : assert(actualValue <= maxValue,
          'actualValue must be less than or equal to maxValue'),
      assert(actualValue >= minValue,
          'actualValue must be greater than or equal to minValue');