calculateETA method

Future<String> calculateETA(
  1. LatLng origin,
  2. LatLng destination

Will calculate the ETA from origin to destination.

If no path is found or any other error occurs, will return '?'.

Make sure that apiKey is passed while initialising.


Future<String> calculateETA(LatLng origin, LatLng destination) async {
  try {
    var url =
    var response = await ApiService().getRequest(url);
    var data = response;
    data = jsonDecode(data['body']);
    var _min = (data['routes'][0]['sections'][0]['summary']['duration'] / 60);
    var _time = _min > 60
        ? '${((_min / 60).toStringAsFixed(0))}hr ${(_min % 60).toStringAsFixed(0)}min'
        : '${_min.toStringAsFixed(2)}min';

    return _time;
  } catch (e) {
    // ignore: avoid_print
    print(' error in ETA');
    return '?';