utils/init_events_service library


createEvent(EventNotificationModel eventData) Future<bool>
This method creates an event by storing event data in a remote database It checks for the validity of the input data and throws exceptions if it's invalid If the event creation is successful, it returns true; otherwise, it returns false
deleteEvent(String key) Future<bool>
This method deletes an event from the remote database using the provided event key It retrieves the event data associated with the key and checks if the current user is the creator of the event If the current user is not the creator, it throws an exception The method returns true if the event deletion is successful; otherwise, it returns false
getEventDetails(String key) Future<EventNotificationModel?>
This method retrieves the details of an event from the remote database using the provided event key It first obtains the regex key associated with the event key If the regex key is not found, it throws an exception The method then fetches the event data from the remote database and converts it into an EventNotificationModel object If the retrieval is successful, it returns the event data; otherwise, it returns null
getEvents() Future<List<EventNotificationModel>?>
This method retrieves a list of events from the remote database It retrieves all keys that match the regex pattern 'createevent-' If no matching keys are found, it returns an empty list The method then fetches the event data associated with each key and converts it into an EventNotificationModel object The event objects are added to the 'allEvents' list Finally, the method returns the 'allEvents' list containing the retrieved events If any error occurs during the process, it returns null
getRegexKeyFromKey(String key) Future<String?>
This method retrieves the regex key associated with the given key from the remote database It first retrieves all regex keys using the 'getRegexKeys' method It searches for an index where the regex key contains the given key If an index is found, it assigns the corresponding regex key to 'regexKey' and returns it If no index is found, it returns null
getRegexKeys() Future<List<String>>
This method retrieves a list of regex keys from the remote database It retrieves all keys that match the regex pattern 'createevent-' The method returns the list of regex keys If no matching keys are found, an empty list is returned
getValue(String key) Future<EventNotificationModel?>
This method retrieves the value associated with the given key from the remote database It fetches the value using the provided key and converts it into an EventNotificationModel object If the value is found and successfully converted, the method returns the event data If any error occurs during the process, it returns null
initialiseEventService(GlobalKey<NavigatorState> navKeyFromMainApp, {required String mapKey, required String apiKey, dynamic rootDomain = 'root.atsign.wtf', dynamic rootPort = 64, dynamic streamAlternative(List<EventKeyLocationModel>)?, bool initLocation = true}) Future<void>
Function to initialise the package. Should be mandatorily called before accessing package functionalities.