initialiseEventService function

Future<void> initialiseEventService(
  1. GlobalKey<NavigatorState> navKeyFromMainApp, {
  2. required String mapKey,
  3. required String apiKey,
  4. dynamic rootDomain = '',
  5. dynamic rootPort = 64,
  6. dynamic streamAlternative(
    1. List<EventKeyLocationModel>
  7. bool initLocation = true,

Function to initialise the package. Should be mandatorily called before accessing package functionalities.

mapKey is needed to access maps.

apiKey is needed to calculate ETA.

Steps to get mapKey/apiKey available in README.

initLocation pass this as false if location package is initialised outside, so it is not initialised more than once.

streamAlternative a function which will return updated lists of EventKeyLocationModel

initLocation if true, then location service will be initialised by the events package if it is already initialsed outside this package, then pass false, make sure to not initialise the location package more than once.


Future<void> initialiseEventService(GlobalKey<NavigatorState> navKeyFromMainApp,
    {required String mapKey,
    required String apiKey,
    rootDomain = '',
    rootPort = 64,
    dynamic Function(List<EventKeyLocationModel>)? streamAlternative,
    bool initLocation = true}) async {
  /// initialise keys


  if (initLocation) {
    await initializeLocationService(navKeyFromMainApp,
        apiKey: MixedConstants.API_KEY!,
        mapKey: MixedConstants.MAP_KEY!,
        isEventInUse: true);

  /// To have eta in events
    const [],
    calculateETA: true,

  AtEventNotificationListener().init(navKeyFromMainApp, rootDomain);

  EventKeyStreamService().init(streamAlternative: streamAlternative);