monitor constant

String const monitor
  • When 'strict' is set, server will only send notifications which match the regex; no other 'control' notifications such as statsNotifications will be sent on this connection unless they match the regex
  • When 'multiplexed' is set, the server will understand that this is a connection which the client is using not just for notifications but also for request-response interactions. In this case, the server will only send notifications when there is no request currently being handled
  • When 'epochMillis' is supplied, server will only send notifications received at or after that timestamp
  • When 'regex' is supplied, server will send notifications which match the regex. If 'strict' is set, then only those regex-matching notifications will be sent. If 'strict' is not set, then other 'control' notifications (e.g. the statsNotification) which don't necessarily match the regex will also be sent


static const monitor = r'^monitor'
    r'( (?<regex>.+))?'