at_commons library
T> - Class holder for message of different data types(int, String etc.,)
- AtChainedException
- AtConstants
- AtExceptionManager
- AtExceptionManager is responsible for creating instances of the appropriate exception classes for a given exception scenario.
- AtExceptionStack
- Class to maintain stack of exceptions to form a chained exception.
- AtExceptionUtils
- Utility class that returns instance of exception for the given error code.
- AtKey
- AtKeyValidator
- Validates String representation of a AtKey For example String representation of a public key PublicKey will be public:phone.wavi@bob
- AtKeyValidators
- Returns an instance of AtKeyValidator
- AtTelemetryEvent
- Concrete AtTelemetryItem subclass for Events - e.g. SyncStarted, NetworkUnavailable, MonitorUnavailable
- AtTelemetryItem
- Generic telemetry datum
- AtTelemetrySample
- Concrete AtTelemetryItem subclass for Samples - e.g. KeyStoreSize, DataReceived, DataTransmitted
- AtTelemetryService
- Simple software telemetry service. See
- AtValue
- BatchRequest
- BatchResponse
- ByteBuffer
- EnrollParams
- KeyFormatValidation
- Validates if the Key adheres to a format represented by a regex
- KeyLengthValidation
- Validates key length of a key
- KeyOwnershipValidation
- Validates if the ownership is right for a given key type
- Validates if key is rightly shared
- LocalKey
- Represents a local key Local key are confined to the client(device)/server it is created. The key does not sync between the local-secondary and the cloud-secondary.
- Metadata
- PrivateKey
- Obsolete, was never used
- PublicKey
- Represents a public key.
- PublicKeyHash
- Represents hash of an atsign's public encryption key and the hashing algorithm used
- ReservedEntityValidation
- Verifies if the key belongs to reserved key list.
- Response
- SecureSocketConfig
- class to store configuration to create a security context while creating secure sockets
- SelfKey
- Represents a Self key.
- Represents a key shared to another atSign.
- StringBuffer
- UpdateParams
- Validation
- Implement a validation on a key
- ValidationContext
- Represents context of a validation See AtKeyValidator
- ValidationResult
Represents outcome of a key validation
See AtKeyValidator and
- VerbSyntax
- VerbUtil
- AtMessageExtension on AtMessage
- NullOrEmptyCheck on String?
- Extending the String class to check null and empty.
- error_codes → const Map
- error_description → const Map
EnrollOperationEnum? enrollOperationEnum) → String -
String value) → EnrollmentStatus -
MessageTypeEnum? messageTypeEnum) → String -
OperationEnum? d) → String -
PriorityEnum? priorityEnum) → String -
StrategyEnum? strategyEnum) → String
Exceptions / Errors
- AtBufferOverFlowException
- AtCertificateValidationException
- Exception thrown when security certification validation on root or secondary server fails
- AtClientException
- AtConnectException
- The class AtConnectException and its subclasses represent any issues that prevents an connection to the root or the secondary server
- AtDecryptionException
- AtEncryptionException
- AtEnrollmentException
- Exception thrown for enrollment related exceptions
- AtEnrollmentRevokeException
- Exception thrown when a client tries to revoke its own enrollment
- AtException
- The class AtException and its subclasses represents various exceptions that can arise while using the @ protocol.
- AtInvalidEnrollmentException
- Exception thrown when an Enrollment_id is expired or invalid
- AtIOException
- Exception thrown when there is any issue related to socket operations e.g read/write
- AtKeyException
- AtKeyNotFoundException
- AtPrivateKeyNotFoundException
- AtPublicKeyChangeException
- AtPublicKeyNotFoundException
- AtServerException
- AtSigningException
- Exception thrown for issues occurring during data signing or pkam signing operations.
- AtSigningVerificationException
- Exception thrown for issues occurring during data signing verification or pkam signing verification operations.
- AtThrottleLimitExceeded
- Exception thrown when the enrollment requests exceed the limit in the given time window
- AtTimeoutException
- Exception thrown when no response is received before the timeout duration
- AtValueException
- BlockedConnectionException
- BufferOverFlowException
- Exception thrown when data size passed to the socket is greater than configured buffer size
- ConnectionInvalidException
- Thrown when trying to perform a read/write on a connection which is invalid
- HandShakeException
- Exception thrown when from-pol handshake fails between two secondary servers
- IllegalArgumentException
- Exception thrown when any parameter in a verb command is invalid
- InboundConnectionLimitException
- Thrown when current server's inbound connection limit is reached
- InternalServerError
- Thrown for any unhandled server error
- InternalServerException
- Thrown for any unhandled server exception
- InvalidAtKeyException
- Exception thrown when a key is invalid
- InvalidAtSignException
- Exception thrown when an atsign name provided is invalid.
- InvalidDataException
- Exception thrown when data provided to a method is invalid.
- InvalidPinException
- InvalidRequestException
- Exception thrown when request to secondary server is invalid
- InvalidResponseException
- Exception thrown when response from secondary server is invalid e.g invalid json format
- InvalidSyntaxException
- Exception thrown when an @ protocol verb has an invalid syntax.
- KeyNotFoundException
- Exception thrown when AtKey.key is not present in the keystore
- LookupException
- Thrown when lookup fails after handshake
- OutBoundConnectionInvalidException
- Thrown when trying to perform a read/write on an outbound connection which is invalid
- OutboundConnectionLimitException
- Thrown when current server's outbound connection limit is reached
- RootServerConnectivityException
- Exception thrown when there is an issue connecting to root server
- SecondaryConnectException
- Exception thrown when an atsign's secondary url cannot be reached or is unavailable Should this be extending AtConnectException?
- SecondaryNotFoundException
- Exception thrown when the requested atsign's secondary url is not present in Root server
- SecondaryServerConnectivityException
- Exception thrown when there is an issue connecting to secondary server
- SelfKeyNotFoundException
- ServerIsPausedException
- Thrown when a request is received on a connection while the server is paused
- UnAuthenticatedException
- Thrown when trying to perform a verb execution which requires authentication
- UnAuthorizedException
- Exception thrown when a client tries to execute a verb or establish a connection but doesn't have the required permissions