text property

String text


String get text {
  const notFoundMsg = 'No message found';
  const wrongVerbMsg =
      'Available verbs are: lookup:, from:, pol:, llookup:, plookup:, update:, delete:, scan and exit. ';
  const closingConnectionMsg = 'Closing the connection. ';
  const cleanExitMsg = 'Exited cleanly, closing the connection. ';
  const moreThanOneAt =
      'invalid @sign: Cannot Contain more than one @ character';
  const whiteSpaceNotAllowed =
      'invalid @sign: Cannot Contain whitespace characters';
  const reservedCharacterUsed =
      'invalid @sign: Cannot contain \!\*\'`\(\)\;\:\&\=\+\$\,\/\?\#\[\]\{\} characters';
  const noAtSign =
      'invalid @sign: must include one @ character and at least one character on the right';
  const controlCharacter =
      'invalid @sign: must not include control characters';

  switch (this) {
    case AtMessage.wrongVerb:
      return wrongVerbMsg;
    case AtMessage.closingConnection:
      return closingConnectionMsg;
    case AtMessage.cleanExit:
      return cleanExitMsg;
    case AtMessage.moreThanOneAt:
      return moreThanOneAt;
    case AtMessage.whiteSpaceNotAllowed:
      return whiteSpaceNotAllowed;
    case AtMessage.reservedCharacterUsed:
      return reservedCharacterUsed;
    case AtMessage.noAtSign:
      return noAtSign;
    case AtMessage.controlCharacter:
      return controlCharacter;
      return notFoundMsg;