This builder generates a command to configure block list entries in the secondary server.
If an @sign is added to the block list then connections to the secondary will not be accepted.
Lookup verb builder generates a command to lookup atKey on either the client user's secondary server(without authentication)
or secondary server of sharedBy (with authentication).
Assume @bob is the client atSign. @alice is atSign on another secondary server.
e.g if you want to lookup @bob:phone@alice on alice's secondary,
user this builder to lookup value of phone@alice from bob's secondary. Auth has to be true.
Plookup builder generates a command to lookup public value of atKey on secondary server of another atSign sharedBy.
e.g If @alice has a public key e.g. public:phone@alice then use this builder to
lookup value of phone@alice from bob's secondary
Scan verb builder generates a command to scan keys of current atSign(with ot without auth).
If a regex is set, keys matching the regex are returned.
If a sharedBy is set, then a scan command is send to the secondary server of the sharedBy.
If a sharedWith is set, gets the keys shared to sharedWith atSign from the current atSign.
Update builder generates a command to update value for a key atKey in the secondary server of sharedBy.
Use getBuilder method if you want to convert command to a builder.