Metadata class




availableAt DateTime?
This is a derived field representing ttb in DateTime format
getter/setter pair
ccd bool?
CCD (Cascade Delete) means if a shared key is deleted, then the corresponding cached key will also be deleted
getter/setter pair
createdAt DateTime?
A date and time representing when the key is created
getter/setter pair
dataSignature String?
The dataSignature is used to verify authenticity of the public data.
getter/setter pair
encAlgo String?
The name of the algorithm used to encrypt the AtValue.
getter/setter pair
encKeyName String?
The name of the key used to encrypt the AtValue
getter/setter pair
encoding String?
If the AtValue is public data (i.e. it is not encrypted) and contains one or more new line (\n) characters, then the data will be encoded, and the encoding will be set to type of encoding (e.g. "base64")
getter/setter pair
expiresAt DateTime?
This is a derived field representing ttl in DateTime format
getter/setter pair
fullJson bool
When set to false, the Map produced by toJson will not include fields whose values are null
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setteroverride
isBinary bool
Determines whether a value is stored as binary data If value of the key is blob (images, videos etc), the binary data is encoded to text and isBinary is set to true.
getter/setter pair
isCached bool
When set to true, indicates the key is a cached key
getter/setter pair
isEncrypted bool
Is the value encrypted, or not
getter/setter pair
isHidden bool
When set to true, implies the key is a HiddenKey
getter/setter pair
isPublic bool
if isPublic is true, then atKey is accessible by all atSigns. if isPublic is false, then atKey is only accessible by either sharedWith or sharedBy
getter/setter pair
ivNonce String?
Initialization Vector or nonce used when the data was encrypted with the shared symmetric key.
getter/setter pair
namespaceAware bool
Indicates if the namespace should be appended to the key
getter/setter pair
pubKeyCS String?
Stores the checksum of the encryption public key used to encrypt the sharedKeyEnc. We use this to verify that the encryption key-pairs used to encrypt and decrypt the value are the same Will be marked as @Deprecated('Use pubKeyHash') once at_server and at_client_sdk fully support pubKeyHash
getter/setter pair
pubKeyHash PublicKeyHash?
Stores the hash of the encryption public key used to encrypt the sharedKeyEnc The hash is used to verify whether the current atsign's public key used for encrypting data by another atsign, has changed while decrypting the data
getter/setter pair
refreshAt DateTime?
This is a derived field representing ttr in DateTime format
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
sharedKeyEnc String?
Stores the shared key, 'inline' and encrypted, in the metadata of the keystore entry for the encrypted data
getter/setter pair
sharedKeyStatus String?
Represents the status of the SharedKey
getter/setter pair
skeEncAlgo String?
The name of the algorithm used to encrypt the sharedKeyEnc
getter/setter pair
skeEncKeyName String?
When sharedKeyEnc is provided in the metadata, skeEncKeyName is the name of the public key which was used to encrypt it. skeEncKeyName is an abbreviation for the EncryptionKeyName used to encrypt the SharedKeyEncrypted.
getter/setter pair
ttb int?
Time in milliseconds after which the AtKey becomes active.
getter/setter pair
ttl int?
Time in milliseconds after which the AtKey expires.
getter/setter pair
ttr int?
Represents the time frequency in seconds when the cached key gets refreshed Time in seconds after which a cached copy of this AtKey should be refreshed.
getter/setter pair
updatedAt DateTime?
A date and time representing when the key is last modified
getter/setter pair


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toAtProtocolFragment() String
Creates a fragment which can be included in any atProtocol commands which use Metadata - e.g. update, update:meta and notify
toJson() Map
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

fromJson(Map json) Metadata