AtRpc class

A simple rpc request-response abstraction which uses atProtocol notifications under the hood.

Sample usage:

  • Requester:
  • Responder:
  • @experimental


AtRpc({required AtClient atClient, required String baseNameSpace, String rpcsNameSpace = '__rpcs', required String domainNameSpace, required AtRpcCallbacks callbacks, required Set<String> allowList, bool allowAll = false})


allowAll bool
Allow requests which are not on the allow list. NOTE: It is the application's request handling code's responsibility to handle this appropriately, for example by checking the fromAtSign against the allowList and acting accordingly.
allowList Set<String>
The list of atSigns you wish to be able to send requests to you. Any requests received from any atSign not in this list will be discarded and not delivered to the AtRpcCallbacks.handleRequest callback
atClient AtClient
The AtClient used by this AtRpc
baseNameSpace String
Base namespace, typically the namespace used by the using application. For example an app called 'Buzz' could have a namespace like 'buzz' or 'buzz_app'
callbacks AtRpcCallbacks
The callback functions which will be called when requests or responses are received
domainNameSpace String
A namespace within the rpcsNameSpace, allowing logical separation of different types of RPCs. Apps can then create multiple AtRpc objects, each of which is sending and / or listening to a subset of the RPCs.
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
maxSendAttempts int
When sending requests and responses, sometimes network is down, the socket connection is broken, or so on, and a retry is required. sendRequest and sendResponse will try to send the notification up to maxSendAttempts times before giving up, pausing for 200 milliseconds before its first retry, 1 second before its second retry and 5 seconds before its third (and every subsequent) retry. The default value of 4 means a total maximum of 4 attempts - i.e. a first attempt and 3 retries
getter/setter pair
requestStream Stream<AtNotification>?
The stream of request notifications
no setter
responseStream Stream<AtNotification>?
The stream of response notifications
no setter
rpcsNameSpace String
A namespace within the baseNameSpace which should be used just for RPCs. Defaults to '__rpcs'
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


handleRequestNotification(AtNotification notification) Future<void>
Not part of API, but visibleForTesting. Receives 'request' notifications, and
handleResponseNotification(AtNotification notification) Future<void>
Not part of API, but visibleForTesting. Receives 'response' notifications, and
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
sendRequest({required String toAtSign, required AtRpcReq request}) Future<void>
Sends a request by sending a notification with 'key' of request.${request.reqId}.$domainNameSpace.$rpcsNameSpace.$baseNameSpace with payload of jsonEncode([request].toJson()) to toAtSign
sendResponse(AtNotification notification, AtRpcReq request, AtRpcResp response) Future<void>
Not part of API, but visibleForTesting. Sends a response. Note that this is marked as @visibleForTesting as it is only called by handleRequestNotification and is not intended to be used directly by AtRpc users.
start() → void
Starts listening for notifications of the requests and responses in the $domainNameSpace.$rpcsNameSpace.$baseNameSpace namespace
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Properties

defaultNotificationExpiry Duration
getter/setter pair
logger → AtSignLogger