FutureNullableOnErrorExtension<T extends Object> extension



nullOnError({FutureOr<void> onError(Object e, StackTrace s)?, FutureOr<void> onErrorOrNull(Object? e, StackTrace? s)?, AsyncExtensionErrorLogger? errorLogger, bool logError = true}) Future<T?>
Returns this Future value or null if it throws an error.
onComplete({required FutureOr<void> onSuccess(T? r), FutureOr<void> onError(Object e, StackTrace s)?, FutureOr<void> onErrorOrNull(Object? e, StackTrace? s)?, AsyncExtensionErrorLogger? errorLogger, bool logError = true}) Future<T?>
Calls onSuccess or onError when this Future completes. If onErrorOrNull is defined, calls onErrorOrNull if it completes with null or with an error.
onCompleteNotNull({required FutureOr<void> onSuccess(T r), required FutureOr<void> onErrorOrNull(Object? e, StackTrace? s), AsyncExtensionErrorLogger? errorLogger, bool logError = true}) Future<T?>
Calls onSuccess or onErrorOrNull when this Future completes. Calls onErrorOrNull If it completes with null or with an error.