async_state_builder provides lightweight widgets for handling asynchronous data using state machines and pattern matching.
This package is an improved version of the standardStreamBuilder
and FutureBuilder
making it easier to manage and respond to various states of asynchronous computations.
Benefits of Using State Machines
Using state machines instead of traditional conditional logic found in StreamBuilder
offers several advantages:
- Readability: Pattern matching provides a clear and concise way to handle various states, making the code easier to read and understand.
- Maintainability: State machines separate state logic from the UI, making the code easier to maintain and extend.
- Reliability: Explicitly defined states reduce the chances of encountering unexpected states or transitions, improving the robustness of your code.
All states
stream: stream,
builder: (BuildContext context, StreamState<int> state) {
return switch (state) {
Waiting() => const Text('Waiting for data...'),
Data<int>(:final data) => Text('Data: $data'),
Closed<int>(:final data?) => Text('Closed, data received before closing: $data'),
Closed<int>() => const Text('Closed before any data was sent'),
StreamStateMachineError<int>(:final data?, :final error) => Text('Error, data received before error: $data. Error: $error'),
StreamStateMachineError<int>(:final error) => Text('Error received before any data was sent. Error: $error'),
As with pattern matching, you can code for only the states you care about
switch (state) {
Waiting() => const Text('Waiting for data...'),
Data<int>(:final data) => Text('Data: $data'),
_ => Text('Unexpected state'),
All states
stream: stream,
builder: (BuildContext context, StreamState<int> state) {
return switch (state) {
Waiting() => const Text('Waiting for data...'),
Data<int>(:final data) => Text('Data: $data'),
StreamError<int>(:final error) => Text('Error: $error'),
All states
future: future,
builder: (BuildContext context, FutureState<int> state) {
return switch (state) {
Waiting() => const Text('Waiting to finish...'),
Data<int>(:final data) => Text('Data: $data'),
FutureError<int>(:final error) => Text('Error: $error'),