dispatchAll method

void dispatchAll(
  1. List<ReduxAction<St>> actions, {
  2. bool notify = true,

Dispatches all given actions in parallel, applying their reducer, and possibly changing the store state.

dispatchAll([BuyAction('IBM'), SellAction('TSLA')]);

If you pass the notify parameter as false, widgets will not necessarily rebuild because of these actions, even if it changes the state.

See also:

  • dispatch which dispatches both sync and async actions.
  • dispatchAndWait which dispatches both sync and async actions, and returns a Future.
  • dispatchAndWaitAll which dispatches all given actions, and returns a Future.
  • dispatchSync which dispatches sync actions, and throws if the action is async.


void dispatchAll(List<ReduxAction<St>> actions, {bool notify = true}) =>
    StoreProvider.dispatchAll(this, actions, notify: notify);