AsklessClient<USER_ID> class
addOnConnectionChangeListener(OnConnectionChange listener, {bool immediately = false})
→ void
Adds a
that will be triggered
every time the status of the connection to
the server changes.
addOnReceiveCallListener(OnReceiveVideoCallListener listener)
→ ReceivingCallsInstance
Adds a listener that handles call requests coming from any remote user.
Returns a ReceivingCallsInstance object where you can call
ReceivingCallsInstance.cancel to stop receiving new call requests
authenticate({required Map<String, dynamic> credential, bool neverTimeout = false})
→ Future<AuthenticateResponse>
Performs an authentication attempt to the server side. Useful for the login page or to authenticate
with tokens automatically in the startup of your App.
→ Future<void>
Clears the authentication, you may want to call this in case the user clicks in a logout button for example.
create({required String route, required dynamic body, Map<String, dynamic>? params, bool neverTimeout = false, bool persevere = false})
→ Future<AsklessResponse>
Performs a request attempt for a
route added on the server side
delete({required String route, Map<String, dynamic>? params, bool neverTimeout = false, bool persevere = false})
→ Future<AsklessResponse>
Performs a request attempt for a
route added on the server side
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation)
→ dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
read({required String route, Map<String, dynamic>? params, bool neverTimeout = false, bool persevere = false})
→ Future<AsklessResponse>
Performs a request attempt for a
route added on the server side
readStream({required String route, Map<String, dynamic>? params, StreamSource source = StreamSource.remoteOnly, bool persevere = true})
→ Stream
Read and stream data for a
route added on the server side
removeOnConnectionChangeListener(OnConnectionChange listenerToRemove)
→ void
Removes the listener which is triggered
every time the status of the connection to
the server changes.
requestCallToUser({required MediaStream localStream, required USER_ID userId, Map<String, dynamic>? additionalData})
→ RequestCallToUserInstance
Request a call to a remote user. Returns a RequestCallToUserInstance
start({required String serverUrl, bool debugLogs = false, OnAutoReauthenticationFails? onAutoReauthenticationFails, Future<WebRTCParams> getWebRTCParams(USER_ID userId)?})
→ void
Init and start Askless. This method should be called before making any operations using Askless.
streamConnectionChanges({bool immediately = true})
→ Stream<ConnectionDetails>
Stream changes of the connection status to the server.
→ String
A string representation of this object.
update({required String route, required dynamic body, Map<String, dynamic>? params, bool neverTimeout = false, bool persevere = false})
→ Future<AsklessResponse>
Performs a request attempt for a
route added on the server side